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Stupidly downloaded cracked Mac dmgs, Malwarebytes sees no problems

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I know, I was stupid. I'm a musician and downloaded a series of cracked software from filezack.com (music plugin VST/VST3/AU files and apps)after being told my a fellow musician to check it out. I normally would never do something like this, but after recently emptying out my savings over a difficult divorce, custody fight (ex has severe untreated OCD and I didn't think she could be a guardian until she got treatment), and ongoing medical expenses for chronic severe depression,  I made a poor choice and thought I could get access to some software that I wouldn't be able to afford until after I paid off debt/loans. I shouldn't have done it and feel bad.

But, on top of that, I am now worried that I installed malware or something that might have compromised my passwords and mac security. I've run Malwarebytes, Avast, ComboCleaner, KnockKnock, Etrecheck, and am in the process of running Intego Virus Barrier. So far nothing has been picked up other than windows keygens that I haven't run -- I also don't see any strange processes in the activity monitor but who knows. 

Normally I'd nuke and pave, but this is a work computer and I don't want to get in trouble since I'd have to go to IT if I needed to format things.


Yes, I know I should feel bad -- but I'm wondering if I could get any advice. on what to do now since I know there are malware programs like Mac Stealer that will package up your password data and send it off. I've changed my passwords and installed google authenticator and ensured I have 2FA on where possible, though I know 2FA can be hacked easily.

Any other advice on what I could do to check my computer or otherwise secure my data/passwords?


Thank you so much,

Stupid Dad

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Hello @mfbt and :welcome::

Your first post reads as if you have dodged a bullet and after running the various scanners, it may be unnecessary to pursue any further.

I suppose it's a given that you have already deleted the suspect malware. What would be useful would be to reply with the URL (within BBC Code “<>” brackets) where you downloaded the suspicious file. Then, an upload can be made to Virus Total or other URL/file analysis sites.

If the suspect file can be proven toxic, it could be made a candidate for the Malwarebytes for Mac (MB5), and the Malwarebytes Browser Guard (MBG) databases.

Thank you.

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