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How much to add the VPN feature to lifetime licenses?

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I am confused by the pricing plans as seen here

I understand what Basic Security entails for $3.75/month. But what is not clear is what Security + VPN includes. Does that plan include all the features of the  Basic Security plan plus VPN for $5/month? Or does that mean for $5 more per month (on top of the $3.75 for $8.75 total) we get both the Basic Security with Security + VPN?

"IF" Security + VPN includes all the features of Basic Security then say that!!! You need to either rename the package to "Basic Security + VPN" or, in the description below that option say, 

Plus plan includes all the features of our Standard plan plus:

High Speed VPN

Anonymous Browsing

Choose your browsing location. 

Also, "IF" Security + VPN includes the Standard plan features for $5/month, how much does it cost to add the VPN feature to Malwarebytes Premium for those of us who already have lifetime licenses for Malwarebytes Premium?

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1 minute ago, Digerati said:

Also, "IF" Security + VPN includes the Standard plan features for $5/month, how much does it cost to add the VPN feature to Malwarebytes Premium for those of us who already have lifetime licenses for Malwarebytes Premium?

They are not ready to offer that. It is in the works but no ETA yet.

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8 minutes ago, Porthos said:

They are not ready to offer that. It is in the works but no ETA yet.

Sorry - maybe I have not had enough caffeine this morning but that does not make it any more clear. 

So Security + VPN does NOT include Malwarebytes Premium? This is still confusing. The pricing page clearly says Security + VPN will "protect your device". That suggests it does what the Basic Security package does "AND your privacy with our powerful VPN". 

15 minutes ago, Porthos said:

It is what you have now with your lifetime license plus the VPN.   AKA Premium Plus.

The wording on that pricing page needs work to make it totally clear what Security + VPN includes (or does NOT include) for $5/month. 

If I understand you correctly, if I go for the VPN package, the plan "ONLY" includes High Speed VPN, Anonymous Browsing, and Choose your browsing location - as opposed to "also includes" (as indicated on the pricing page) those features, correct?


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Basic is Malwarebytes Premium "Basic Security"

Plus is premium plus the Privacy VPN "Security+VPN"

Complete protection included the new identity protection as well.


Edited by Porthos
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Okay, I understand. Malwarebytes Premium alone (AKA Basic Security, AKA the Standard plan) is $3.75/month. For an additional $1.25/month, one can have Malwarebytes Premium and VPN with the  Security + VPN package (AKA the Plus plan). Thanks for clarifying. 

Yes, your screen shot is the page I was referring to. I think, to avoid confusion, as I noted above, the description on that page under Security + VPN should say, 

"Plus plan includes all the features of our Standard plan plus:"

IMO, part of the problem, for me anyway, is 3 different names for the same thing. Malwarebytes Premium, Basic Security, and Standard plan all mean the same thing. 

Any way, I'm clear now. Thanks again. 

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