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Website blocked due to phishing


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Started getting this warning today in one of my computers. I actually work for this company and curious to how we received the bad mark? If we were reported by someone please advise and can you remove this from the naughty list?



Website blocked due to phishing

Website Blocked: eyeforce.online Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this page because it may contain malicious activity.

We strongly recommend you do not continue. You may be putting your safety at risk by visiting this site. For more information, visit  Malwarebytes Support.

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  • Staff

Hello, Thormaster,

We are very sorry for the problem you are experiencing. After we improved our phishing heuristic detection mechanisms, there was a misconfiguration that caused a minor number of legitimate pages to be detected. The new version v2.6.6 has already been released with the introduced fix. Please try to update your version and let us know how it goes.
Thanks and have a malware free day!

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