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FP for h5.3syua.com ?

Go to solution Solved by Dashke,

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Dear Malwarebytes ,

This is a website I often use. It is the web version of a mobile game, and the URL is the official website of the game.

Not sure if it is a false positive, please help to confirm.

Note: Malwarebytes Browser Guard has also reported this website,
Please also help to confirm whether it is a false positive.




-Record details-
Protection event date: 2023/4/23
Conservation Event Time: 7:57 PM
Log file: 12941f54-e1ce-11ed-90c4-902b345d0096.json

-Software Information-
Component version: 1.0.1991
Update Kit Version: 1.0.68437
Authorization: Premium Edition

-System Information-
Operating System: Windows 10 (Build 19045.2846)
CPU: x64
File system: NTFS
User: System

-Blocked site details-
Malicious sites: 1
, C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe, blocked, -1, -1, 0.0.0, ,

-Website information-
Category: Trojan horse
Domain: h5.3syua.com
IP address:
Port: 80
Type: even out
File: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe




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3 hours ago, Dashke said:

Thank you for reporting KevinYu0504,

The block is being converted to Adware instead of Trojan because the file this site is serving is detected as Adware.ChinAd.


Dear Dashke ,


Thanks for your reply , Is it convenient to provide the location (link) of this file ?

Maybe I can try to contact their official customer services , and see if the problem can be resolved or not .

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