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Hello, this is a strange one and would appreciate any help anyone could give me please. So for a couple of months my mum has said she’s been receiving alerts on her iPhone 12 which are apparently from google alerts, see the first photo I’ve attached. The first phone number I’ve blanked out is my husbands and the second number I’ve blanked out is my husbands. Does this look like a legitimate google alert to you? She says she has been receiving alerts on her phone that my husbands phone number is trying to access her google account and has been giving her the exact postcode of where he’s apparently been trying to do this. She says she has been receiving alerts on her phone asking her to call my husbands phone and sometimes my phone within a certain amount of time or her phone will reset. She says my husbands text messages kept appearing on her phone. She says adult channels kept popping up on her tv and damaged her Virgin TiVo box so she arranged for a Virgin technician to have a look and he apparently told her that their wifi router had a Trojan on it that was from a porn site but couldn’t tell her which site it was from. I myself took my husbands phone (iPhone 14) and my phone (iPhone 11) to a local phone and computer shop and asked them to scan them both for malware and they said there were no viruses or malware on either at all. This all seems very far fetched to me and too accurate with the alerts giving post codes and which website my husband was apparently on. Can anyone shed any light at all? I’m sure you can understand that this has caused all sorts of trouble and we don’t know how to get it sorted. It is my mums phone only that has been receiving these alerts. Thank you in advance (sorry for the long post!)285CB3DF-A88E-4457-95B0-F5C2BF3F4171.thumb.jpeg.90a41e5c922292c5f91ca5f996bcfaa2.jpeg


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Hi @rebecca1990,

I'm going to be honest, this is an unusual one for me as well.  However, I have some ideas.  Is your husband set up as a recovery phone number or email address for your Mum?  In addition, is he is an Apple account recovery contact?  Does your husband use his Google account to log in to any of these sites?  A good place to start may be to have your husband change his Google account password, and Apple account password in case either were compromised.  Also, it would be a good idea to setup two-factor authentication on the accounts as well.  If he using Google account as log in on these sites, I would remove the account.  It seems like since the messages are originating from your husband's phone, that is the one that is compromised.


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