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We are not sure why this was detected. It may have to do with rootkit scanning being turned on. Rootkit scanning should only be used when there is an infection present that we may have trouble removing. 

Can you please attach this file:

C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService\logs\mbamservice.log and any other mbamservice.bk# files from that directory so we maybe can see what happened. I recommend you set an exclusion.

This file is a database of torrents that were downloaded it looks like. I assume you use torrents?


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I guess it was the root kit option. I just ran it with that option just for curiosity and not having used that option in a long time. I just had MB rescan the file using the MB right-click context menu option and MB didn’t find anything. So I guess it’s fine and was just an anomaly due to the rootkit option. Thank you for the quick reply. Feel free to close case. 

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