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False positive: wakeonlangui.exe Malware.AI


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Not a new file, but a new detection today.  (I have used this software since at least 2012)

This is small .exe that does only 1 thing - send a WOL packet to target device over LAN or WLAN.

From the scan report:

Malware.AI.3893563336, C:\....\WAKEONLANGUI.EXE, No Action By User, 1000000, 0, 1.0.48774, F10C3C0C70B1D7D1E8130FC8, dds, 01561870, C630AA964F6382710D0B65E460F69B41, B9D4E8821AE23564DAE6A45FEEED0FDEAA555548DD7B703EF61764A2F04F3B51


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(Also - it quarantines this item if I try and run it. It also quarantines the item if I try and add it to AllowList, by navigating to the file with MBAM app.  Can't type in the path/file, have to navigate to the file. Can't navigate to the file. Workaround is to navigate almost to the file and then add the final details in the modal file selection window that allows typing)

By the looks of recent posts here, the latest MBAM update is producing a lot of false positives using.

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