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Suddenly getting FP of Malware.Heuristic.1003 for Maple 18 from 2014


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I haven't changed any settings in Malwarebytes Premium in months, yet for the first time today (September 9, 2021) the automatic Threat Scan suddenly flagged my old copy of the Computer Algebra System, Maple 18, which has been installed since 2014. The last update to that version was made way back in 2015, and neither this version nor my 2018, 2019, 2020, or 2021 versions have ever been flagged before, even with Use Expert System Algorithms enabled and weekly scans scheduled.

So something must have changed in Malwarebytes Version:, Components Version: 1.0.1413, Update Package Version: 1.0.4, that doesn't like Maple 18's Uninstaller file?

If someone can add this file and its corresponding Registry Key to your White List when you have the time, many thanks in advance.

Malwarebytes 4.4.4 False Positive of Maple 18.txt

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