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False Positive

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Two professors have attempted to access our web mail system from home. Both are using MalwareBytes Premium 4.3.0 with Real-Time Protection.

They are allowed to log in but receive an error that the web site is being blocked because of phishing. The behavior began this morning (Monday). The server is law.stcl.edu (

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11 minutes ago, RandyM said:

Two professors have attempted to access our web mail system from home. Both are using MalwareBytes Premium 4.3.0 with Real-Time Protection.

They are allowed to log in but receive an error that the web site is being blocked because of phishing. The behavior began this morning (Monday). The server is law.stcl.edu (


We'll review the site again and reply once we have completed that review, thanks for your patience.

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21 hours ago, RandyM said:

Two professors have attempted to access our web mail system from home. Both are using MalwareBytes Premium 4.3.0 with Real-Time Protection.

They are allowed to log in but receive an error that the web site is being blocked because of phishing. The behavior began this morning (Monday). The server is law.stcl.edu (

Hello RandyM,

Can you remove this malicious file, please -



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