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Possible False Positive - Malware.Heuristic.1003


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I have attached a test file within a ZIP archive that Malwarebytes has flagged as Malware.Hueristic.1003. Yet, a file scan reveals NO malware detection. This file was compiled with a very old windows program called Multimedia Builder (MMB) ver. I have has NO issues in the past (at least two decades) with this application and executables that are compiled with it.

I am currently using the latest version of Windows 10 Home. With Malwarebytes Premium 4.3.0.

Please advise - Malwarebytes keep moving these files into quarantine. NO detection on other windows PCs (windows 7 and winXP)


Luis J Ruiz


Edited by AdvancedSetup
removed email for privacy
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  • AdvancedSetup changed the title to Possible False Positive - Malware.Heuristic.1003
7 hours ago, cli said:

OK, perfect. :) I was going to suggest that and let you know that for developers, we advise them to add folders they use for development into their allow list. To read more about it, you can visit  MachineLearning/Anomalous Detections and Explanation. Thanks for reporting.

I had a similar error report (Malware.Heuristic.1003) - 2nd one in 2 days after months of clean scans - an hour ago.  The file is C:\Windows\Installer\158a00c.msi (no idea what it does), and it was created on 2020-Jan-20.  I disabled "Use expert system algorithms to identify malicious files" as you recommended above, re-tested the file, and it came up clean.

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