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Virus found in Malwarebytes files


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I scanned my computer and found a virus and had to cancel it and removed it then later scanned again. Both times Malwarebytes detected a virus inside of it's own files, and, I'm unsure if it is a virus or a false positive. It was reported as a Spyware Agent found here C:\PROGRAMDATA\MALWAREBYTES\MBAMSERVICE\TMP\EXTRACTOR.EXE-K.MBAM and I'll put the scan result export as well. Please let me know if this is a virus reinstalling itself or just a false positive.

Virus Scan.txt

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This is from rootkit mode copying the file there so we can analyze it. the extractor.exe is somewhere else on your hard drive and malwarebytes copies it to the tmp directory to analyze it. Rootkit mode is not necessary and should only be used when there is an active infection we can not clean up. 


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