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malwarebytes sur mobiles

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You're welcome.

If you have a lifetime license it is only possible to use it on one device at a time, but if you have a multi-device subscription you can install it on your laptop and activate it with your license key as detailed in this support article.  To manage your licenses please create an account at My.Malwarebytes.com if you have not already as instructed in this support article using, if possible, the same email address you used when you purchased your license, and from there you can see the devices it is active on.  Please refer to the information in this support article for details on managing your subscriptions.  The current multi-device subscriptions allow you to use your license on up to 3 devices, including Android devices, however the older lifetime licenses can only be used on Windows computers.  If you need to move your license from one device to another, you would need to deactivate your license from the first device then activate the license on the new device.  Details on deactivating can be found in this support article.

Also, because of Apple's restrictions, if you wish to use Malwarebytes on an iOS device you will need to purchase it separately through Apple's app store.  Details can be found in this support article.

If you are using a Google Android device, details on activating your license on Android can be found in this support article.

I hope that answers your questions, but please let me know if you still have any questions or issues.


Edited by exile360
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