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Unable to install Malwarebytes

Go to solution Solved by Maurice Naggar,

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I get the following error message when I try to install Malwarebytes:

The installation failed. Please restart your system and try running the installer again. For help troubleshooting please review the information at https://www.malwarebytes.com/help-installing.

I have run any windows updates and have restarted the machine to no avail.

I have attached the log.


Many thanks for your help


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Hi Waxrebel.    :welcome:

I will be helping and guiding you.  This is a Windows 8.1 / 64bit system.

I am going to have you do a cleanup  and later on a new separate install.

Lets first have you do a Windows RESTART   from the start menu.

One after the system reloads and is all settled back,  lets do this special cleanup.

Malwarebytes Support Tool (MBST) Clean Reinstall 

  • Open your Downloads folder. 

   Right-click   mb-support-  & select Run as administrator    to start the tool   & reply YES to allow to go forward. 


  • When prompted by Windows, reply YES to allow the tool to go forward. 

  • You will be presented with a page stating, "Welcome to the Malwarebytes Support Tool!". 

  • Click the Advanced Options link. This is important. Please ensure Advanced Options is clicked. 

  • Click the Clean button followed by Yes to proceed. 

  • Upon completion, click OK to reboot your computer. 

  • After the reboot, please wait for the program to reopen. 

  • You will be presented with the option to install Malwarebytes for Windows. Click NO


Let me know when this part is all done.




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I see lots and lots of tasks set by MediaPlayersvideos   that make use of several EXE files  and the likes.

When was it that you first saw or got some " MediaPlayersvideos " ?

I also see that you had got and have run the Adwcleaner tool.   When was it that you first had signs of some infection or suspected infection ?

Please do not install anything new without first checking with me.

Stay tuned.  I am working on a initial first custom script.

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OK.  I assume then that you have direct access to that machine.

This custom script is for  Waxrebel  only / for this machine only.

Close and save any open work files before starting this procedure. 

I am sending a  new  custom Fix script which is going to be used by the FRSTENGLISH tool. They will both work together as a pair.

Please RIGHT-click the (attached file named) FIXLIST and select SAVE  link AS and save it directly ( as is) to the  Downloads  folder

The tool named FRSTENGLISH.exe   tool    is already on the Downloads folder
Start the Windows Explorer and then, to the Downloads folder.

RIGHT click on  FRSTENGLISH    and select RUN as Administrator and allow it to proceed.  Reply YES when prompted to allow to run.
  to run the tool. If the tool warns you the version is outdated, please download and run the updated version.
IF Windows prompts you about running this, select YES to allow it to proceed.

IF you get a block message from Windows about this tool......
click line More info information on that screen
and click button Run anyway on next screen.

on the FRSTENGLISH window:
Click the Fix button just once, and wait.

PLEASE have lots and lots of patience when this starts. You will see a green progress bar start. Lots of patience. This run here should be fairly quick.
If you receive a message that a reboot is required, please make sure you allow it to restart normally.
The tool will complete its run after restart.
When finished, the tool will make a log ( Fixlog.txt) in the same location from where it was run.

Please attach the FIXLOG.txt with your next reply later, at your next opportunity   


We will do more after this.



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  • Solution

OK.   Thanks for the Fixlog.  Some of the infection was Crossrider adwares.

Lets attempt a setup of Malwarebytes for Windows.

Please prepare by first closing any open work; saving any work in progress. Close them so you can have better view. 

Ideally, if possible, do a Windows Restart. Then proceed. 


the Malwarebytes installer is at this link 


Please use this link


download and save the setup file . It will automatically download. Just SAVE first. 

1.    RIGHT-click mb4-setup-consumer-   .exe & select “Run as Administrator”   to start the Malwarebytes for Windows setup. 
2.    Follow the installation instructions to complete setup. 

Watch all of the process. Have lots of patience. 


After setup is done, we need to be very sure to Check for latest Updates.

In the program, click the Settings ( gear ) icon. Look for the General tab.


Then click on the button "Check for Updates". Have lots of patience.

Then click the small x to get back to main screen.


On the main screen, click the blue button Scan now.


When the scan phase is done, be real sure you Review and have all detected lines items check-marked on each line on the left. That too is very critical.

You can actualy click the topmost left  check-box  on the very top line to get ALL lines  ticked   ( all selected).


Then click on Quarantine selected.

Then, locate the Scan run report;  export out a copy;  & then attach in with your  reply.

See https://support.malwarebytes.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038479194-View-Reports-and-History-in-Malwarebytes-for-Windows-v4


Let me know how it goes.

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Glad we could help.

If you need this topic reopened, please send a Private Message to any one of the moderating team members. Please include a link to this topic with your request.

This applies only to the originator of this thread. Other members who need assistance please start your own topic in a new thread.

Please review the following for Tips to help protect from infection

Thank you



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