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HI Chris,

Kaspersky is still unavailable, and when I try to load Eset, I get the window to accept, I do, then it goes in this waiting mode and after a few minutes it disappears with nothing happening. See the Attachment.

I found Trend Micro House Call, ran it with a Java Script and it found two cookies, but did not generate a report.


Take Care and Keep Safe,


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Okay thanks for letting me know; since House Call ran and didn't find anything, I believe you are good to go.

Make sure a copy of ComboFix is on your Desktop before doing the following:

Navigate to Start --> Run, and type Combofix /u in the box that appears. Click OK afterwards. Notice the space between the X and the /u

This uninstalls all of ComboFix's components.

Delete SecurityCheck.

Restart your computer and let me know what issues remain.


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Hi Chris,

Sorry about the delay in getting back to you I have been "under the weather" since I returned. I have uninstalled Combofix and deleted Security check. I do not seem to be have any more problems. I have ran Avia, MBAM and Superspyware remover and the only thing they have come up with are a few cookies. I think we are good to go.....

Thanks a whole big bunch !!!!!!!

You guys are the greatest !!!!!!!


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Now that your computer seems to be in proper working order, please take the following steps to help prevent reinfection:

1) It is vital that you have a firewall. The one that comes with Windows XP is not sufficient in that it only checks incoming data. I recommend selecting one of the following free firewalls. Be sure to only install one.




2) Download and install Javacool's SpywareBlaster, which will prevent malware from being installed on your computer. A tutorial on it can be found here.

3) Download and install IE-Spyad, which will place over 5000 'bad' sites on your Internet Explorer Restricted List. A tutorial on it can be found here.

4) Make sure your programs are up to date! Older versions may contain security risks. To find out what programs need to be updated, please run Secunia's Software Inspector.

5) Go to Windows Update frequently to get all of the latest updates (security or otherwise) for Windows.

6) WOT, Web of Trust, warns you about risky websites that try to scam visitors, deliver malware or send spam. Protect your computer against online threats by using WOT as your front-line layer of protection when browsing or searching in unfamiliar territory. WOT's color-coded icons show you ratings for 21 million websites, helping you avoid the dangerous sites:

  • Green to go
  • Yellow for caution
  • Red to stop

WOT has an addon available for both Firefox and IE.

7) Be sure to update your Antivirus and Antispyware programs often!

Finally, please also take the time to read Tony Klein's excellent article on: So How Did I Get Infected in the First Place?

Safe surfing,


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HI Chris,

Thanks for all the suggestions will get on them today, but I had an error message on my machine when I booted up. It said:

There was an error in Hotfix.exe and it had to close. Everything seems to be working alright. Is this something I need to work on? Do you want me to wait before installing all of your suggestions.

Thanks again.


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Hello Chris,

I have downloaded and installed Keno, Spyware Blaster, and WOT, IE-Spyad only works for Internet Explorer I use Firefox, and Software inspector would not run had a java error.

The Hotfix.exe error has occurred the last three times I have booted up. I have screen prints of 3 messages with the details and more info on the message. It was too large and would not upload. If you need me to i will break them up and upload them.

Another unrelated question if you please..... In your opinion is it better to turn the computer off when not in use or to leave it running all the time?

Thanks for all your advice and help....


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Hi Debbie,

Download this Registry Search by Bobbi Flekman, save it, and extract regsearch.exe to the Desktop. You will use it in a moment.

Doubleclick regsearch.exe to start it. In the top window, enter Hotfix.exe as the search string on the first line. Make sure all the option boxes are checked, and click "Ok". Notepad will be opened with text in it (the file will be saved to the Desktop as well as RegSearch.txt). Post this text in your next reply.


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