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Hello, yesterday I picked up a Trojan-Backdoor.bot So far, I've quarantined a few files, and viruses. Ran quick scan, last two objects were Trojan heuristics in Local settings. Don't know what's left. I reconnected to the web. I'm I missing anything? One scan found a rootkit, but I haven't seen it again. MBAM is updated, any help to finally get rid of this virus and files would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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You have several topics opened on the very same issue. Stop creating any new ones.

Wait for an expert or authorized helper to reply to you. Have plenty of patience.

These boards are very busy.

This topic is closed. I will keep one of your others Open.

Wait for someone to reply to your open malware post here http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.p...mp;#entry132708

Do NOT start a reply until after a helper/expert has replied to you there.

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