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Malwarebytes not starting; Chamaleon not inizializing

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I tend to rely on ESET to find potential bad things.

One of the items removed was in a back up sub-folder & was   in yet another sub folder Keygen   & the items was Activation Disabler.cmd

That is the type of thing used to evade licensing on licensed software.

The other one was in a "cache" sub-folder

C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{E5B9C3E5-889C-4F22-A959-F4B8464DE838}v7.8.7.7\ExpressVPN.msi    

Eset clasifies it as  a variant of Win32/NSSM.D potentially unsafe application    deleted

msi files are installer files.  and once a program is installed, one typically does not need the "msi" file any more, plus this one was in "cache" area.


We can wrap up this case.  I'll relay to you here, how to cleanup after the tools I had you use.

Plus also relay some best practices to say safer on your computer & on the web.

To remove the FRST tool & its work files, do this.  Go to your Downloads folder.  Do a RIGHT-click on FRSTENGLISH.exe & select RENAME & then change it to UNINSTALL.

Then run that ( double click on it)  to begin the cleanup process.

You should delete the MSERT.exe   download

Delete the ESET download file named   esetonlinescanner_enu.exe

Delete mb-support-   on the Downloads folder

Delete   mbst-grab-results.zip  on the Desktop.

Anything else I had you download you may delete.


The first best practice of computer safety is to have backups of the system.  Make regular periodic backups to offline removable media.
Backup is your best friend.

It is not enough to just have a security program installed. Each pc user needs to practice daily safe computer and internet use.

Best  practices & malware prevention:
Follow best practices when browsing the Internet, especially on opening links coming from untrusted sources.
First rule of internet safety: slow down & think before you "click".
Never click links without first hovering your mouse over the link and seeing if it is going to an odd address ( one that does not fit or is odd looking or has typos).

Free games & free programs are like "candy". We do not accept them from "strangers".

Never open attachments that come with unexpected ( out of the blue ) email no matter how enticing.
Never open attachments from the email itself. Do not double click in the email. Always Save first and then scan with antivirus program.

Pay close attention when installing 3rd-party programs. It is important that you pay attention to the license agreements and installation screens when installing anything off of the Internet. If an installation screen offers you Custom or Advanced installation options, it is a good idea to select these as they will typically disclose what other 3rd party software will also be installed.
Take great care in every stage of the process and every offer screen, and make sure you know what it is you're agreeing to before you click "Next".

Use a Standard user account rather than an administrator-rights account when "surfing" the web.

See more info on Corrine's SecurityGarden Blog  http://securitygarden.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_7.html
Dont remove your current login. Just use the new Standard-user-level one for everyday use while on the internet.

Do a Windows Update.

Make certain that Automatic Updates is enabled.


Keep your system and programs up to date. Several programs release security updates on a regular basis to patch vulnerabilities. Keeping your software patched up prevents attackers from being able to exploit them to drop malware.

For other added tips, read "10 easy ways to prevent malware infection"
All the best to you.   Stay safe.





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Please review the following for Tips to help protect from infection

Thank you



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