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That is just so wrong.

v@leytman.com Email should anyone care to tell this ass he is out of line!!

I’m highly skilled web pro with more than 5 years of experience in field of web and print design.

My specialisation is pretty wide and includes almost everything that’s related to web: web site design, banners, site UI design, forum and blog skinning, HTML coding and layouting. My print design skills include booklet design, business cards, outdoor advertising, packaging design.

I prefer to work alone, but I've also had succesful experience of participation in team-driven projects.

I have Brainbench certifications in Adobe Photoshop and HTML 4.0.

You can request any additional info by email or ICQ.

If this is what pro's are producing, let the amateurs have a go.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, let's just say, reviewer rankings don't actually reflect a whole lot. I don't know what a "bogus web site developer" actually means. The guy does make web sites and he seems to be advocating rape. IMO that is much more alarming than anything else. SA hasn't actually rated it at all. I didn't get a reply to my email, not that I expected one really. Although I was kind of looking forward to [word removed] slapping him with words a bit more. :angry:

Edited by JeanInMontana
because Marcin asked, not because I wouldn't like to do it.
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  • 1 month later...

Hi there, it seems like this topic is pretty outdated, but anyway I will answer on it. Ok, I'm the man who was discussed here, Vasily Leytman, an owner of leytman.com site.

Sorry I didnt recieve any email as some of you have written, may be it was filtered by spam monitor, or whatever.

But let me ask, why are you so aggressive? About the quote - do you have some sense of humor? Its a citation of one of the most known Russian scientists and educators, Mikhail Lomonosov, and its really A JOKE! Who is arbitrating rapes? B))) Its a JOKE! :)

And about rating in Site Advisor - seems like I know about the reason. Once I've done a site for some software used for MP3 sharing, and it was a normal order. I'm just a designer, I cant ask FBI for a dossier on every client of mine B) So it seemed like a normal site. But later when it was done and paid by customer, I knew that they've started to advertise it using spam mailings. But actually - do you really think its my fault? I just do designs. I can't care of everything that my customers do with those designs. I've already written to McAfee to exclude me from their rating.

So, please be a bit more... responsible about all the words you say. Its someone's reputation. And I have pretty good reputation. I do a lot of work for pretty large companies, I have also did some free blog templates for public domain, etc. So I don't ask for any excuse - but can you remove this post, because I've found it while monitoring the internet for links to my domain, and this link has nothing real to say about my reputation, but only a suppositions which are not right. Thanks in advance. You can always contact me by email or better by MSN/ICQ/Skype so I will surely receive your message, if you need any clarificaiton on the issue. Contacts can be found on site.

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Alternatively, you could change the quotation to one that is less apt to incite anger among a particular subset of the population - namely, the life bearing subset.

Seeing as the quotation is still there since this topic was started, regardless of whether this person that you are quoting is a genius or not, I think that, until the quotation is changed, I doubt that a single thing will be done about this thread.

Even if it *is* changed, I am guessing that only and amendment will be added stating that you removed / changed the quotation.

Not your board, not your place to determine what stays and what gets removed.

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Then put it in Russian where it translates correctly.

Well, I didnt ask anyone to go to my site and put criticism on it. If you dont like - dont watch it. Simple. I didnt wrote anywhere that I dont like people from Malwarebytes just because they have another sense of humor than mine. But people from Malwarebytes do think they can put their opinion just because they want to, write smth like "If this is what pro's are producing, let the amateurs have a go.", "Email should anyone care to tell this ass he is out of line!!", "Although I was kind of looking forward to bitch slapping him with words a bit more".

Yeeeeh, its incredibly correct and polite. For sure. But please dont tell me something about English and my sense of humor, ok? Because I don't write that those people should sit down, relax, do a big breathe and tell yourself they just dont have to look at sites they dont like. They dont have to express their opinion and blame other people just because they have different opinion then their one. Yes?

Or may be it will be ok if I'll describe all the story that have got place here in a juicy words on my site or blog? It will be ok, yep? I will write that American people play games of politeness at the same time they are killing hundreds of people in Iraq and their children kill each other in schools and universities almost each month? Yeah, it could be cool u think? Well, its just my opinion, who cares, yeah? And I should answer if they'll ask me later to remove such post, "hey, its my blog, its my right to decide what I should write here and what I shouldn't".

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So, please be a bit more... responsible about all the words you say. Its someone's reputation. And I have pretty good reputation. I do a lot of work for pretty large companies, I have also did some free blog templates for public domain, etc. So I don't ask for any excuse - but can you remove this post, because I've found it while monitoring the internet for links to my domain, and this link has nothing real to say about my reputation, but only a suppositions which are not right. Thanks in advance. You can always contact me by email or better by MSN/ICQ/Skype so I will surely receive your message, if you need any clarificaiton on the issue. Contacts can be found on site.

Who should be responsible with the words they say? YOU You are the one that has a poor translation (if that is true) You are the one that has the ability to correct it.

Sorry there is nothing inspiring about rape to anyone with a shred of moral consciousness. I see no reason to remove the thread. I will not discuss this in private messages either so don't bother sending any more.

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This is the 'general' forum of Malwarebytes. This is a critique of your site, nothing else. Feel free to critique Malwarebytes in the comments and suggestions forum.

I supplied the citations from forum that criticised ME personally. If someone cant prove I'm a phisher, bogus site creator, not a pro etc - they should remove such things when I ask them for that. Because in other case they're discriminating me, and I can even fire a lawsuit against them. And may be it will be a solution, heh...

And for sure after that I have a right to go somewhere and write "Hey, they're all lamers at Malwarebytes, and lack sense of humor, and are very offensive, and well... they

re phishers :)". And its ok? As long as its just my blog... I can criticise whoever I want? :) And remove such posts only as long as I think I want it, not at the moment people at Malwarebytes will start thinking that I've called them lamers, offensive and phishers incorrect? Its cool to ask other people to be polite when you're not polite to them yourself? Its called hypocrisy, not politeness... hope I translated it well hehe B)

Just tell me YES or NO. Its good or not.

Everyone can criticise me using my email, icq, msn or whatever public instrument of criticism I have on my site. But not somewhere publicly when I say I dont want to spread INCORRECT things about me. If its not right, just tell me, I will do my best of making Malwarebytes reputation and reputation of people from here... well... a bit more interesting B))))))

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Ehhh... well... the citation is about INSPIRATION, not any subset of people. Are you sure that you've fully understood the quotation?

If you say "the sky was black" - does it mean that you're trying to discriminate Afroamericans?..

Talking about the color of the sky has absolutely nothing to do with the race of a person, and if you had such a quotation on your website I'd be defending *you* not the people who attacked you for such a quotation. However, rape is a violent, soulless act - and I attack anyone who makes even humorous reference to it. It is a degrading act that in effect destroys not just one life, the individual getting raped, but the countless lives that are touched after that, from the victim's responses to life, their interactions to other people, their eventual outlook on life, and in many other ways.

Having had a girlfriend who was raped by two thugs 7 years ago, I can personally attest to the damage that it does - both fleetingly as well as long term, and I abhor any mention of the word rape in any context that makes it seem "OK".

Well, I didnt ask anyone to go to my site and put criticism on it. If you dont like - dont watch it. Simple. I didnt wrote anywhere that I dont like people from Malwarebytes just because they have another sense of humor than mine. But people from Malwarebytes do think they can put their opinion just because they want to, write smth like "If this is what pro's are producing, let the amateurs have a go.", "Email should anyone care to tell this ass he is out of line!!", "Although I was kind of looking forward to bitch slapping him with words a bit more".

Yeeeeh, its incredibly correct and polite. For sure. But please dont tell me something about English and my sense of humor, ok? Because I don't write that those people should sit down, relax, do a big breathe and tell yourself they just dont have to look at sites they dont like. They dont have to express their opinion and blame other people just because they have different opinion then their one. Yes?

Or may be it will be ok if I'll describe all the story that have got place here in a juicy words on my site or blog? It will be ok, yep? I will write that American people play games of politeness at the same time they are killing hundreds of people in Iraq and their children kill each other in schools and universities almost each month? Yeah, it could be cool u think? Well, its just my opinion, who cares, yeah? And I should answer if they'll ask me later to remove such post, "hey, its my blog, its my right to decide what I should write here and what I shouldn't".

You invited the criticism when you put such a quotation on your page. Perhaps the act of rape is viewed with less prejudice by that original author - yet, *I* find it abhorrent and will defend my right to say so.

Furthermore, I am not arguing about the points you make - whether you did or did not contribute to spamming, whether you are or are not a professional web designer, I neither commented on nor will comment on - my commentary is strictly about the quotation, and said quotation is what got this topic started.

Who should be responsible with the words they say? YOU You are the one that has a poor translation (if that is true) You are the one that has the ability to correct it.

Sorry there is nothing inspiring about rape to anyone with a shred of moral consciousness. I see no reason to remove the thread. I will not discuss this in private messages either so don't bother sending any more.

Ty, Jean - I couldn't have said it better.

I supplied the citations from forum that criticised ME personally. If someone cant prove I'm a phisher, bogus site creator, not a pro etc - they should remove such things when I ask them for that. Because in other case they're discriminating me, and I can even fire a lawsuit against them. And may be it will be a solution, heh...

And for sure after that I have a right to go somewhere and write "Hey, they're all lamers at Malwarebytes, and lack sense of humor, and are very offensive, and well... they

re phishers :) ". And its ok? As long as its just my blog... I can criticise whoever I want? :) And remove such posts only as long as I think I want it, not at the moment people at Malwarebytes will start thinking that I've called them lamers, offensive and phishers incorrect? Its cool to ask other people to be polite when you're not polite to them yourself? Its called hypocrisy, not politeness... hope I translated it well hehe B)

Just tell me YES or NO. Its good or not.

Everyone can criticise me using my email, icq, msn or whatever public instrument of criticism I have on my site. But not somewhere publicly when I say I dont want to spread INCORRECT things about me. If its not right, just tell me, I will do my best of making Malwarebytes reputation and reputation of people from here... well... a bit more interesting B) )))))

Yes, but you asked for the removal of the *entire* thread, whereas the *entire* thread was not a personal attack on you. Again, I refer you to the title of the thread, and the original post, which referred to your quotation, not your method of maknig a living, nor who you had or had not designed a web site for. Thus, your request that the *entire* thread be removed is simply out of line.

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Furthermore, I am not arguing about the points you make - whether you did or did not contribute to spamming, whether you are or are not a professional web designer, I neither commented on nor will comment on - my commentary is strictly about the quotation, and said quotation is what got this topic started.

Yes, but you asked for the removal of the *entire* thread, whereas the *entire* thread was not a personal attack on you. Again, I refer you to the title of the thread, and the original post, which referred to your quotation, not your method of maknig a living, nor who you had or had not designed a web site for. Thus, your request that the *entire* thread be removed is simply out of line.

Ok the thread starts with "I found this page researching a rogue that it seems these guys help build". Rogue? What rogue? Where are any proves of that rogue?

Then "Although I was kind of looking forward to bitch slapping him with words a bit more." Bitch slapping? Lets talk about how polite such words are? Who you were going to slap?

Next "v@leytman.com Email should anyone care to tell this ass he is out of line!!" Isnt it a mention of me personally? as well as "If this is what pro's are producing, let the amateurs have a go. "

So at least remove posts 1 (thread starter), 2, 4. All other are well... incorrect, but yes, they dont touch me personally, so I dont care if they'll stay.

Having had a girlfriend who was raped by two thugs 7 years ago, I can personally attest to the damage that it does - both fleetingly as well as long term, and I abhor any mention of the word rape in any context that makes it seem "OK".

I sympathize you, but its not my fault. It doesnt mean people shouldn't say word "rape" anymore, sure? Even in jokes. Its a word very popular for jokes, and I think you should know of that. The only thing that people joke about something doesnt mean that they like it, yes? But actually I'm not going to further discuss it. Its surely your right to think whatever you want of the quotations you see and the people that placed them, but please just remove all the posts touching my personality and work. And thats it.

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I don't think nosirrah meant you build the rogues. I think he meant you built the web site for the people building the rogues. I am not speaking for him, however, this is just my thought, since he then pointed out your words of inspiration.

As for my words you have taken issue with. They were never meant to be polite. You put a totally abhorrent statement on a website, there is nothing funny about rape, no matter how you translate it. It is not a joke. It has been pointed out to you that more than myself find it offensive and yet you have chosen to defend it. The simple solution would be to remove the mention of rape from the website.

If rape is a popular word for you in jokes, then you have done nothing but confirm everything that has been said here and more. It's not funny, ever.

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I don't think nosirrah meant you build the rogues. I think he meant you built the web site for the people building the rogues. I am not speaking for him, however, this is just my thought, since he then pointed out your words of inspiration.

As for my words you have taken issue with. They were never meant to be polite. You put a totally abhorrent statement on a website, there is nothing funny about rape, no matter how you translate it. It is not a joke. It has been pointed out to you that more than myself find it offensive and yet you have chosen to defend it. The simple solution would be to remove the mention of rape from the website.

If rape is a popular word for you in jokes, then you have done nothing but confirm everything that has been said here and more. It's not funny, ever.

OK I will find other way to remove the stuff from here. It will be a bit harder, but I asked a number of times for it very polite, and all I received is some conversation about well... nothing.. just someone's opinion which is not right or wrong... just nothing... I didnt blame any of you. I didnt lied about anyone. I didnt undervalue someone's reputation. And that was done on me. So, lets make things equal and let me do the bit of same for you. Sure, only using legal means of that. Good luck. I will go search for all the contact info of the Malwarebytes and will start to rule everything out in a more faster and responsible way - the way of legislation and law.

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Please e-mail me your attorney's phone number. Feel free to send any cease and desist letters, we absolutely love them. There were absolutely no United States laws broken in this thread and the thread revolved around the title.

For the moment I dont have English-speaking one, but I will take care of such one tomorrow for sure.

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Ok the thread starts with "I found this page researching a rogue that it seems these guys help build". Rogue? What rogue? Where are any proves of that rogue?

Then "Although I was kind of looking forward to bitch slapping him with words a bit more." Bitch slapping? Lets talk about how polite such words are? Who you were going to slap?

Next "v@leytman.com Email should anyone care to tell this ass he is out of line!!" Isnt it a mention of me personally? as well as "If this is what pro's are producing, let the amateurs have a go. "

So at least remove posts 1 (thread starter), 2, 4. All other are well... incorrect, but yes, they dont touch me personally, so I dont care if they'll stay.

Saying that it *seems* that you helped develop and saying that you developed / helped develop them is 2 entirely different things. Nosirrah does a tremendous amount of research for the company in terms of researching suspected rogue products, actual rogue products, Malware authors, Malware distributors, and the like. You obviously know about the fact that one of the sites you designed is linked to spamming, at the very least, and yet I see no mention of it on your own website, disavowing your previous knowledge of the site owners' intentions to engage in spam and / or your utter lack of participation in said activities. Seems to me that, at the very least, you would have put a disclaimer on your site mentioning that.

Furthermore, this forum never states that it is going to be polite - and the use of the word rape in your quotation disavows any need to refrain from using strong / aggressive / abusive language, because in our eyes your use of the quotation is not polite to begin with. Tit for tat. Don't like it? Delete the quotation. Don't want to? Deal with the criticism.

Finally, mentioning your email address was in direct relation to telling you that you were out of line *BECAUSE YOU HAVE AN OFFENSIVE QUOTATION ON YOUR SITE* not because you were suspected as being a possible party to Malware creation / distribution.

OK I will find other way to remove the stuff from here. It will be a bit harder, but I asked a number of times for it very polite, and all I received is some conversation about well... nothing.. just someone's opinion which is not right or wrong... just nothing... I didn't blame any of you. I didn't lied about anyone. I didn't undervalue someone's reputation. And that was done on me. So, lets make things equal and let me do the bit of same for you. Sure, only using legal means of that. Good luck. I will go search for all the contact info of the Malwarebytes and will start to rule everything out in a more faster and responsible way - the way of legislation and law.

I tell you what - go for it - and in the meantime, your site just made my blog, and every other site that I post at, to make the world aware not only of your inflated ego at thinking you are justified at putting offensive statements on your website but think you can dictate what others put on theirs, but also because your obvious lack of taste with regard to the matter shows that this needs to be addressed *PUBLICLY* as you so want it to be.

Perhaps that is what you want - more advertisement for your services - but be well aware that there are many who think like us and are just as offended by the quotation - and others will see fit as well to make comment to that nature.

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