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Trojan Dropper InstallShield Installation Information

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Alright, some of that can help like the local account, maybe moving to premium or new extensions to try out.

Although most of this is advice I have been following for quite some time. I just really don't know what you're meant to do when a seemingly official update from the official manufacturer website of your PC or laptop or say apps has malware on it like the CCleaner or ASUS update incidents a while back other than maybe wait to see if anti-virus scanners get updates to see if they're good or bad.

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Just be careful where you go & what you get.   Watch the click finger.  Don't be quick to click.

CCleaner was compromised once in the past.   You actually can make do with CCleaner.   Use the built in Windows disk cleaner called cleanmgr  to help you delete temporary files.

Also, you can use the built in options in each web browser to delete temporary files.

Look at the following Malwarebytes Blog article and scroll down to the section marked *Clear your browser's cache* 
and do that for each of your web browser programs.

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