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Adwcleaner 7.4.0 error


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When start adwcleaner 7.4.0 popped up windows error and adwcleaner closed, I suspect due to update since before there were no such problems.

The problem was solved by running the program in compatibility mode of my windows, and the update window appeared when adwcleaner started.

I have Windows 7, I wrote just to inform you of this problem.

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Thanks for posting in the AdwCleaner Help forum.

Someone will reply shortly, but in the meantime here are a few resources which may help resolve your issue:

Thanks in advance for your patience.

-The Malwarebytes Forum Team

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4 minutes ago, Elisabeth said:


Please, download the new 7.4.1 version from https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/

Let us know if you run into any other issue.


As I said earlier: The problem was solved by running the program in compatibility mode of my windows, and the update window appeared when adwcleaner started.

And I downloaded the latest version from update pop up winwod in adwcleaner 7.4.0, that started without problems.

However, please consider the fact itself that such an error has taken place to be, since the problem is possible in the update script or something like this.


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Hi. I'm having the same issue with all 4 laptops here. Version 7.4 will open for a matter of seconds and then crash, and this keeps happening. Restarting doesn't help. I've eventually managed to get it open to long enough on 3 machines to go to dashboard and choose the "remove" option, then I've downloaded a fresh copy of 7.4.1, which launches OK so far.

On this machine though I'm having no such luck. Am I able just to install 7.4.1 over the top of 7.4? ( I don't mean via the GUI - that isn't possible because the app keeps crashing). If not, how do I make the programme in "compatibility mode"? 

I'm on Win 10 Pro 1903, 18362.329 & have MBAM premium + Windows Defender also. Many thanks! :)

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Since AdwCleaner is portable, which means it doesn't get installed, you can safely remove the old executable (7.4.0) and download the new release from https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/ . The upgrade module in 7.4.0 and 7.4.1 is broken and it's not possible to update AdwCleaner from the executable itself. You need to manually download it. We'll solve the issue in 7.4.2.


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6 hours ago, catscomputer said:

Ahh so that is why I couldn't see it in the control panel to uninstall it that way. Silly me I should have realised. Thanks for the reply. :)

For the future, right click on the programm then click options and there you can find compatibility.

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