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Full scan problem with SPSS Statistics 17

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Our PCs are imaged with a statistical application called SPSS Statistics 17 (SPSSInc). When I try to perform a full scan with all of the settings left intact, it seems to get into some kind of "loop" looking at the SPSS files and closes Anti-Malware without a log being created. This seems to happen during the filesystem scan (I've been able to turn off this setting and the full scan completes on PCs with SPSS and I've removed SPSS and Anti-Malware completes the full scan without an problem).

Thank you, AnnetteR

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Welcome to Malwarebytes! I think you need to set the Options tab in SPSS Statistics 17. Since you removed it & your scans are ok. Please post back with any issues. A quick scan is all you need regards...

Appreciate the welcome! This seems like a very worthwhile forum for a very good product.

For the PCs with SPSS on them still I'll try to set the options within the application. We're an educational foundation affiliated with a university and this application is used by the faculty and students.

A few times I've gotten a clean quick scan and the full scan turned up a few issues so I run the quick scan first and the full scan when I have the time.

Thanks, AnnetteR

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