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Welcome aboard, Jaclyn,

Since you did manage to make this thread-post, I am presuming what is involved is not about the forum login.

You did mention something about "account".  ( Just please do not mention your actual account information or keys, or email address as we go along, here.).

It would help to know just what the Email message was providing as the "login link".   My guess would be that this relates to the Malwarebytes MyAccount portal.

That "MyAccount" sign-in would need you to provide the Email address you used when making your Malwarebytes license subscription.  ( I am presuming you have a Premium subscription).

In addition, you need to use the password you would have set at purchase time.   If you do not recall it, you can request a password reset Email.

( there is a blue link for that purpose on the page).

This is the login link to the MyAccount front page

This article gives a overall summary of what you can do on MyAccount,   Manage subscriptions in My Account

This article is in case you need a password reset, Forgot password for My Account


Edited by Maurice Naggar
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