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I just got it to show back up. The issue was the MEEClientService was not running. After restarting it it has once again showed up on on management console. I will now check this with all the problem computers and let you know if any issues still occur.

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Good find, that's our comm service, though when it is off, they usually just show as offline, not unregistered. Another thing you may see is laptops may have double entries, one for the ethernet and one for the wifi. Which ever NIC was in use during deployment will have that MAC saved to the machine, when it is on the other NIC, it may show an unregistered entry along with its checked-in entry.

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Thanks djaconson that is good to know in regards to the double entries.

Can I ask you if setting this service to delayed startup is a workable solution?

The reason I ask is we have quite a few things running at startup which is possibly after creating the issue. Currently we have quite a few computers showing up as unregistered and I am manually logging onto them and starting or restarting this service, as needed, with elevated permissions. I am also looking at a gpo to ensure this service runs so that I can avoid this scenario going forwards.

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If you are on MBMC 1.9, definitely utilize the new service startup type and failure restart options on the general page in policy, this is exactly what those are meant to fix, especially with Win 10.

The startup delay option under the Protection tab is for conflict/performance issues against Anti-Malware's web blocker and malicious file blocker with other security program during logon.

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