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Hit with [decryptprof@qq.com].ETH


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Had a client hit with this via a brute force attack.  Anybody else seen this before and have you had any luck getting files back ?  Not sure who this individual is, but they failed to put the instructions on the system they attacked.  Have no idea what they want for the key, but quite frankly, not sure I would even try if I knew.

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Welcome to our business forums TCCS!

Sorry to hear about this situation always tough once the files have already been encrypted. Malwarebytes does not currently offer any decryption tools or services.

Backups and disaster recovery are one of the strongest defences against ransomware we offer 72-hour rollback with our Endpoint Protection and Response. As well as our Behavioral Monitoring real-time protection that can stop encryption behaviour of course.

But I can point you to these third-party tools that may help identify a decryptor if available:




Usually, the files are not able to be recovered but I wanted to provide what we can.

Best of luck with this and let us know if you have any questions.

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