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computer freeze ups

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I have used malwarebytes premium for years. 12-20-2018 my computer keyboard and mouse and internet would freeze and not work requiring a hard boot. After thinking it was a windows update I did a system image and it worked good for a couple of hours. I finally did a fresh install of windows and all of my programs and re-configured e-mail, the whole 9 yards. I then de-activated malwarebytes and reloaded it with a fresh install of everything. To my surprise after about 3-4 hours it did the same thing again. I almost  bought a new computer thinking I had faulty hardware. [IT WAS THIS PROGRAM] Now I am afraid to use it again. I am worried that it will leave trace corruption of the program even if it is uninstalled if I have more problems. I have spent many many hours just to find out it was a program that is supposed to help the end users. I know the last update for this program was 3.5.1. For some reason it did not jive with windows 7 December updates from Microsoft.. I could not do anything on this computer unless I went to safe mode and even that was acting buggy at best. It has been about 3 days now with no malwarebytes installed and no problems. ??????


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Hello @boatnik:

For the experts to commence an accurate analysis, please study the Having problems using Malwarebytes? Please follow these steps sticky.

Then, attach the resulting archive/zip file 3YDDDvL.pngmbst-grab-results.zip to your next topic reply.

Thank you.

Malwarebytes Support Tool 1.3 User Guide.pdf
Malwarebytes Support Tool FAQs

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