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BSOD caused by farflt.sys


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Hi folks, I also had a series of BSODs on a Win 2008 Std R2 server caused by farflt.sys.  I did a Malwarebytes update a few days prior to the BSOD.  Had to work with Microsoft to identify the problem.  To resolve the issue, I completely uninstalled Malwarebytes and rebooted.  I had this software on five servers, I have removed it from all and am looking at alternatives.  Can't afford to have a server down for almost a day due to a faulty software package.  (And this is not the first time Malwarebytes caused issues - about a year or so ago, one of their updates caused all sorts of problems - had to turn off the Web Protection module to get around that issue).   Two strikes is enough to get me out of Malwarebytes.   

If anyone is interested, I can attach the analysis of the memory.dmp file that was produced by Microsoft.

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Farflt.sys is the driver for the Anti-Ransomware / Behavior Protection engine. Restarting the endpoint will release any threads which may be stuck. Disabling the option can help avoid encountering these while the new cause for this is investigated.


Consider as well, many server's need extra configuration of exclusions or what real-time protections are able to be used, this is based on what roles a server may provide.

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