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I wonder why these are triggered at 100 and 96%. I recently renamed the project, but I've changed GUID and all the references I can think of. Granted it's not signed, but neither is any of my other C# applications and they're all good, similar size and algorithms. Please provide hints and tips of how I can avoid this detection in the future. Virustotal gives me 0 hits. I'm not sure why yours gives me 96-100%.




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Thanks for reporting this to us. To clarify this some more, our machinelearning engine detects as "Anomalous", not really malware. So that means, it triggers on some anomaly design, unfinished builds, sections where the entropy is quite high (in your case, the .text section has a high entropy in combination with the rest of the file - might be because of the Compiler/Packer), etc etc...  

Reporting this helps the machinelearning engine to train on your files faster, so it won't be detected anymore (including future updates).


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Hmm, do you still have this detection after a reboot? (or after quitting mbam and restarting it again?)

Because it could be because it was still in memory.


Edited to add, it's probably a caching issue. I had others verify on the same file and they didn't get a detection, so it should be OK again afterwards. :)


Edited by miekiemoes
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Ok, give it some time, as it might be a caching issue on your end.

If it still shows the same tomorrow, please do the following: 

Quit malwarebytes from the systemtray.
Then navigate to the following folder:


In there, locate the file HubbleCache and delete it.

Restart Malwarebytes again. A new Hubblecache will then be created again, so it will properly pick it up and remember to not detect this anymore.

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