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Unregistered Clients

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There is some uncommon issue there are almost 400 clients which are showing unregistered. Checked the communication settings which is fine.The strange thing is when we try to run updates by using our administrator mode check for updates it is getting updated . Same thing does not working in normal user profile. Could you please let me know what can be the issue?

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  • 2 months later...

I recently upgraded my management server console to for the anti-ransomware deployment feature now supported, but when running an update or a fresh installation install using the Client Push Install method whether i use the scan network or scan network and detect client software method it returns with the message in the Execution Result of the Client Push Install Tab "Managed client software was already installed. The client has not been registered." for all clients that were upgraded or newly installed. 

I have restarted the services, i  have uninstalled and deleted the logs option, rebooted and reinstalled and also ran a database cleanup with the same message.


Did you find any resolve with your issue, Sumeet?


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We are investigating this as a possible false error.

Most customers we have seen experience this do have all of there endpoint checking in registered and online.

As long as you can see the endpoints in the "Clients" list and they are communicating and online.

Let us know if you do not see endpoints communicating in the "Clients" list.

I will reiterate these issues to our development team to see if we can reclassify this error.

Many Thanks

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  • 5 months later...
3 hours ago, Eleanor67 said:

Our clients display as "...The client has not been registered". In addition, some of those clients are now not reporting to MMC. But, if you restart the services then it show on MMC

Hi @Eleanor67, please use your service failure options in Policy -> your policy -> Edit -> General -> Enable Service Recovery Options. Set the options, changing the "None" to "Restart Service", use an initial time of 2 minutes.

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19 hours ago, Eleanor67 said:

Is there any updates on this? I'm having the same issue recently.

Our clients display as "...The client has not been registered". In addition, some of those clients are now not reporting to MMC. But, if you restart the services then it show on MMC

nope, as of 5/14/2019, still no updated version to resolve the issue. i created a case and the support guy said it wasn't a bug. well, i beg to differ as it's pretty evident, that one day its working then all of a sudden its start acting wonky like this. the tech i spoke to before him took it to the dev team and said they are aware of the problem and will patch it on the next release, So with that said either he was pulling my chain to appease me and move on or there is a bug that will get addressed. by the way :djacobson" offered a suggestion, of which our settings were already set to that with no resolution. i added a second failed restart option with a retry after 4 minutes, just to see. BUt i doubt that will resolve it because i high doubt that all 89 hosts are failing to start the service.

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10 minutes ago, JPerez1969 said:

nope, as of 5/14/2019, still no updated version to resolve the issue. i created a case and the support guy said it wasn't a bug. well, i beg to differ as it's pretty evident, that one day its working then all of a sudden its start acting wonky like this. the tech i spoke to before him took it to the dev team and said they are aware of the problem and will patch it on the next release, So with that said either he was pulling my chain to appease me and move on or there is a bug that will get addressed. by the way :djacobson" offered a suggestion, of which our settings were already set to that with no resolution. i added a second failed restart option with a retry after 4 minutes, just to see. BUt i doubt that will resolve it because i high doubt that all 89 hosts are failing to start the service.

I set our policy same as yours "first failure" to 2 minutes and "second failure" to 4 minutes, and I don't see much of changes. We have over 300 clients but only about 50 show on MMC. Some of the clients sometimes does show on MMC after the policy change. I'm not sure if it just me but those clients occasionally comes and go on MMC.

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@Eleanor67 The push tool status is inconsequential, it is not live data. It shows what was the last result of you using the push tool. A machine being pushed to in that moment has a set hardcoded timer that it must reply back within or it will get tagged as unregistered, it is not a "smart" enough app to know more than that about a client during install; even if the client successfully registers anytime after the timer. The client view online/offline status has nothing to do with the 'client has not been registered' execution result of the push tool. If you do not wish to see the push tool results say 'client has not been registered', I can write an SQL query to delete them for you.


@JPerez1969 Use all three to restart the service, it is why they are there. It is also likely you are experiencing an entirely different client issue than eleanor, the thing you have in common so far is the push tool results. Clients flipping offline/online in client view when the actual machine is the opposite of what it says can be a myriad of items. The MEEClientService being off when you go check on it has two or three causes.

Other items that can help:

  • Disable Windows fastboot.
  • Try setting MEEClientService from Automatic to Automatic (delayed start) - this is the "Start Up Type" option in policy or can be done directly in Windows Services.msc.
  • Exclude "C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Managed Client\sccomm.exe" from Windows Firewall, Windows Defender, and any other security or access restricting programs you may have in place.
  • Ensure C:\Program Files (x86)\Malwarebytes' Managed Client\sccomm.exe.config is not blank.
  • Also ensure that C:\ProgramData\sccomm\SCComm.xml is not blank and contains the correct server address.
Edited by djacobson
fat-fingered a word while typing.
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