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Scan Anytime


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In my MWM Premium, I have set Scan Daily, which generally is fine.

However; If I make some major change to my PC, I would like to be able to run a New Custom Scan, after the Scheduled Scan has been run.

I cannot find that function and believe that is is very necessary to have.

Can this please be brought back in future updates.


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Greetings and welcome,

What specifically are you trying to do?  Are you trying to create a scheduled Custom scan that runs automatically after the scheduled Threat scan?  As far as I know this has never been possible to trigger one scan after another unless you just schedule them close together using the scheduled time.  There used to be an option to scan after a successful database update, however with updates being released usually 10 or more times per day, it doesn't make a lot of sense to scan that often.

There are a lot of options for scheduled scans as you can see in the images below, however I'd need more details on exactly what you're trying to use as a trigger for the scan to understand what options you would need to set:



You may refer to the documentation in this support article as well as the document on this page for more information on the available options for the scan scheduler in Malwarebytes Premium.  If you are using the Free version then you are not allowed to make any changes to the scheduled scan except to remove it if you don't want scheduled scans to occur, otherwise it runs once per day if you leave it in the scheduler.

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Thank you for your response. I know about the different types of Scans.

What I am looking for, and I think I can remember it having been available previously is this - Take the situation where the Scheduled Scan has already been performed and I decide, for whatever reason, I wish to run an Unscheduled Scan of either my C Drive or another Drive in my system - Currently; I cannot see this function available and believe it is necessary. Regards.


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Oh, is that all.  That's no problem.  Open Malwarebytes and go to the Scan tab then select the middle option Custom Scan then click Configure Scan and you will be presented with the options to select which areas to scan, including your entire drive(s) if you wish, then just click Scan Now and the scan will begin.

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On my system, I can follow what you have said, but there is no Scan Now on the page. I can only Schedule a Custom Scan, to be run "Once" or "On Reboot", etc. I am reasonably sure that what you have spoken of, is something of the past, which I am requesting to be brought back. Reagrds.


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Thank You; I can now see where the problem lies - after the Scheduled Scan has completed, if you select the Scan Tab, you are presented with a Report Page of the Scheduled Scan.

I have now discovered the Scan Page you have imaged to me - You have to Close (X) the Scan Report Page first and then you can select the Type of Scan for an As Required additional Scan.

How Dumb can one be - I will simply say - "It was a Seniors Moment"

Thank you for your patience and advice.

Issue is now Closed.

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Ah, that explains it.  Yes, the fact that after a scan the Scan tab gets stuck on the scan results page (even when nothing was detected by the previous scan) is kind of confusing.  I've actually asked the Product team to review that and consider changing it so that if there were no detections during the previous scan, they return the Scan tab to normal after a short amount of time (like maybe a few seconds or a minute or two) so that users don't have to remember to click the 'X' to close the scan results screen and return to the normal scan selection screen.  Hopefully they will change it eventually.

Edited by exile360
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Yes; you are correct; however, I think the Report Screen is a good idea, particularly if the User does not see the Notification Popup advising the Scan has completed and there were no threats found or otherwise.

I feel a better idea would be to place an Advice Comment on the Scan Report Page, stating "After reading this Report, please Close the Page by Clicking the "X""

Then all would be back to Normal.

Regards and Tahnks.


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