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  • 2 weeks later...


My apologies that no one responded to you sooner, I guess your thread got overlooked by the Business Support folks.

I do not know if they plan to implement this functionality, however it should theoretically be possible, especially if you're using Active Directory in your environment.  I will forward this as a feature request to the Product team for their consideration for possible implementation in the future.

If you have any additional ideas, suggestions or feedback please don't hesitate to let us know.


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You're welcome.  Hopefully they will implement it at some point.

Are you guys using AD in your environment?  I'm just asking in case that turns out to be a factor for the feasibility of their implementation of the feature, assuming they do decide to include it at some point.

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We do.  We have approximately 5000 computer objects and (until we are cleared to remediate) about 12000 user objects.  We have a 1-to-1 laptop program for our students, and machines get turned over constantly.  Being able to know what user is logged into a machine makes things a lot easier for us.

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