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download problem


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I am trying to download Google Earth, every time I click on the link to download I get the message "page not available" shortly before this message a Malwarebytes pop up appears with the message "Infection Detected" and the numbers

If Malwarebytes is the problem, can I temporarily disable it so I can download Google Earth, or is there another way to let Malwarebytes allow me to carry out the download ?

Many thanks.

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Please post this here: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=42

So that it can be looked into further to see if it is a false positive or not.

Thanks :)

what is popping up? Do you have the paid, PRO version of Malwarebytes?

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Ah, okay. What its doing is blocking a malicious or something thats hosted on a range that is malicious, IP address.

Edit: I see you've already posted it, thank you :)

Please post in the link I gave you (I edited my first post in case you didnt' see) so this can be checked out to see if it was meant to be blocked or is actually a false positive.

Yes, I have the paid version of Malwarebytes.

The pop up is a small rectangular box from Malwarebytes with the previously mentioned message in it

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