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Device administration

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My Galaxy S6 is about 2 months old I have bought and paid for the mower version for my Android phone and having abled everything but device administrator the thing that worries me about device administrator is it can change your passwords it can make you change your passwords and it can you erase your phone without your knowledge how often does this happen and what can I do to make sure that it doesn't mess with my phone like that

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Hi @Flipper81

Malwarebytes for Android does not use device administration rights for erasing mobile devices, nor any other drastic actions.

Device administration is needed for ransomware remediation.

Ransomware is particularity dangerous, and if given device administration rights (accidentally), it can render the device unusable.  By giving Malwarebytes for Android device administration rights, we can remediate ransomware even after it is given privileged rights.

For example, some ransomware may change the device’s user pin.  We can remediate this if given device admin rights to reset the pin (via SMS commands).

Also, device admin rights protect Malwarebytes for Android from being uninstalled by malware.

If you would prefer to not give Malwarebytes for Android device administration rights and forgo protection from ransomware, our application will continue to run without those rights.


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