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The domain hxxp://www.nextpaydayadvance.com is currently blocked through MalwareBytes, however there is no evidence of this URL being on any known blacklists:


@Zynthesist previously indicated in a locked thread that the site was blocked for Fraud.Invest, but it is not a fraudulent web site. I don't know why it would have come to the attention of Malwarebytes.


Can you please review this and let me know why this site blocked and the process for disproving the Fraud.Invest claims against us?

We have inspected our entire server and have not identified any malware or malicious code. There is also no fraud occurring on the site.



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You can start by;

1. Listing your verifiable company name and address (this is hidden from WhoIs and isn't listed in an easily locate-able place on your website), especially given the nature of the site.

2. Showing the disclaimer you've decide to place at the very bottom of your website in small and obscured text (i.e. similar colour to the background), in a much better location (you and I both know, the vast majority aren't going to scroll that far down, much less, realize they have to, to see what is displayed). Your "Get Started" form is at the top of the page - the disclaimer should be as well (and in a much better contrast)

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