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Glop.me (IPFS) blocked


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A gateway to the decentralised IPFS file host Glop.me was blocked.

sure you have one file that you can hit you can most likely download malware from, but it's not like it can be deleted permanently

A norton report displays the file at


but it can always be accessed via it's multihash when avaliable on any mirror of the website (or if made available on any IPFS service)


(will load a list of the items like a directory, not a permalink to trojan), this is also accessible on any ipfs gateway available on the web. And a blanket ban over IPFS will actually probably result in losing customers, since it's also providing god useful utilities for the open internet


Either way, Decentralised Internet is something to think about. If it ever takes off, we need to think about a better solution to web protection

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