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my last scan with Malewarebytes found that I was infected with Trojan:Win32/Tilken.B!cl after the scan I was given the option to remove the threat which I did and restarted my computer.  After I did that, when using Chrome, FireFox and Opera it shows that I am not connected to the internet, so besides removing it, it changes some settings, however Internet Explorer connects just fine, I did a system restore to an earlier time, which go me back online but the virus is still on my computer, and I have no idea how to remove it. Attached I have the FRST and Addition file as well as the Report scan from Malewarebytes that I saved when it first came up.

Thank you



Report scan 10.26.17.txt

Edited by RavenSpawn
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Hello RavenSpawn and welcome to Malwarebytes,

Yes your system is still infected, continue with the following:

Download attached fixlist.txt file (end of reply) and save it to the Desktop, or the folder you saved FRST into. "Do not open that file"
NOTE. It's important that both FRST and fixlist.txt are in the same location or the fix will not work.

Open FRST and press the Fix button just once and wait.
The tool will make a log on the Desktop (Fixlog.txt) or the folder it was ran from. Please post it to your reply.


Please open Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.
  • On the Settings tab > Protection Scroll to and make sure the following are selected:
    Scan for Rootkits
    Scan within Archives
  • Scroll further to Potential Threat Protection make sure the following are set as follows:
    Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP`s) set as :- Always detect PUP`s (recommended)
    Potentially Unwanted Modifications (PUM`s) set as :- Alwaysdetect PUM`s (recommended)
  • Click on the Scan make sure Threat Scan is selected,
  • A Threat Scan will begin.
  • When the scan is complete if anything is found make sure that the first checkbox at the top is checked (that will automatically check all detected items), then click on the Quarantine Selected Tab
  • If asked to restart your computer to complete the removal, please do so
  • When complete click on Export Summary after deletion (bottom-left corner) and select Copy to Clipboard.
  • Wait for the prompt to restart the computer to appear, then click on Yes.
  • After the restart once you are back at your desktop, open MBAM once more to retrieve the log.

To get the log from Malwarebytes do the following:
  • Click on the Reports tab > from main interface.
  • Double click on the Scan log which shows the Date and time of the scan just performed.
  • Click Export > From export you have two options:
    Copy to Clipboard - if seleted right click to your reply and select "Paste" log will be pasted to your reply
    Text file (*.txt) - if selected you will have to name the file and save to a place of choice, recommend "Desktop" then attach to reply

  • Please use "Copy to Clipboard, then Right click to your reply > select "Paste" that will copy the log to your reply…


Download AdwCleaner by Malwarebytes onto your Desktop.

Or from this Mirror
  • Right-click on AdwCleaner.exe and select user posted imageRun as Administrator (for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 users)
  • Accept the EULA (I accept), then click on Scan
  • Let the scan complete. Once it's done, make sure that every item listed in the different tabs is checked and click on the Clean button. This will kill all the active processes
  • Once the cleaning process is complete, AdwCleaner will ask to restart your computer, do it
  • After the restart, a log will open when logging in. Please copy/paste the content of that log in your next reply


Download Microsoft's " Malicious Software Removal Tool" and save direct to the desktop

Ensure to get the correct version for your system....

32 Bit version:

64 Bit version:

Right click on the Tool, select “Run as Administrator” the tool will expand to the options Window
In the "Scan Type" window, select Quick Scan
Perform a scan and Click Finish when the scan is done.

Retrieve the MSRT log as follows, and post it in your next reply:

1) Select the Windows key and R key together to open the "Run" function
2) Type or Copy/Paste the following command to the "Run Line" and Press Enter:

notepad c:\windows\debug\mrt.log

The log will include log details for each time MSRT has run, we only need the most recent log by date and time....

Let me see those logs in your reply, also tell me if there are any remaining issues or concerns...

Thank you,





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I complete all the steps and so far everything looks good, here are the three reports

Malewarebytes Scan Report


-Log Details-
Scan Date: 10/28/17
Scan Time: 3:57 PM
Log File: 29aa35c8-bc1a-11e7-8c16-64d4da5e438a.json
Administrator: Yes

-Software Information-
Components Version: 1.0.212
Update Package Version: 1.0.3118
License: Premium

-System Information-
OS: Windows 7 Service Pack 1
CPU: x64
File System: NTFS
User: Lexy-HP\Lexy

-Scan Summary-
Scan Type: Threat Scan
Result: Completed
Objects Scanned: 527180
Threats Detected: 0
(No malicious items detected)
Threats Quarantined: 0
(No malicious items detected)
Time Elapsed: 29 min, 37 sec

-Scan Options-
Memory: Enabled
Startup: Enabled
Filesystem: Enabled
Archives: Enabled
Rootkits: Enabled
Heuristics: Enabled
PUP: Detect
PUM: Detect

-Scan Details-
Process: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Module: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Key: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Value: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Registry Data: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Data Stream: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Folder: 0
(No malicious items detected)

File: 0
(No malicious items detected)

Physical Sector: 0
(No malicious items detected)


AdwCleaner Report:

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Sat Oct 28 20:43:06 2017
# Updated on 2017/27/10 by Malwarebytes 
# Running on Windows 7 Home Premium (X64)
# Mode: clean
# Support: https://www.malwarebytes.com/support

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services deleted.

***** [ Folders ] *****

Deleted: C:\Windows\installer\{86d4b82a-abed-442a-be86-96357b70f4fe}
Deleted: C:\Users\Lexy\AppData\Local\NativeMessaging
Deleted: C:\Users\Lexy\AppData\LocalLow\Zynga
Deleted: C:\ProgramData\Ask
Deleted: C:\Users\Lexy\AppData\Roaming\SoftwareUpdater

***** [ Files ] *****

No malicious files deleted.

***** [ DLL ] *****

No malicious DLLs cleaned.

***** [ WMI ] *****

No malicious WMI cleaned.

***** [ Shortcuts ] *****

No malicious shortcuts cleaned.

***** [ Tasks ] *****

No malicious tasks deleted.

***** [ Registry ] *****

Deleted: [Key] - HKU\S-1-5-21-3217872594-2325639934-1021615291-1000\Software\Appscion
Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Appscion
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\NpApp
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\APN
Deleted: [Key] - HKU\S-1-5-21-3217872594-2325639934-1021615291-1000\Software\APN
Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\APN
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\{A5AA24EA-11B8-4113-95AE-9ED71DEAF12A}
Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\{A5AA24EA-11B8-4113-95AE-9ED71DEAF12A}
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Interface\{3AE26843-9171-4F23-A8E5-5421701276A4}
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\{9B0CB95C-933A-4B8C-B6D4-EDCD19A43874}
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\TypeLib\{B00FE392-639D-4688-976E-A1BFF368CB96}
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\6F7467AF8F29C134CBBAB394ECCFDE96
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\741B4ADF27276464790022C965AB6DA8
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\DD1402A9DD4215A43ABDE169A41AFA0E
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\6AA0923513360135B272E8289C5F13FA
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\2B0D56C4F4C46D844A57FFED6F0D2852
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\EF8E618DB3AEDFBB384561B5C548F65E
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\D677B1A9671D4D4004F6F2A4469E86EA
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\E36E114A0EAD2AD46B381D23AD69CDDF
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\0CFE535C35F99574E8340BFA75BF92C2
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\7DE196B10195F5647A2B21B761F3DE01
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\922525DCC5199162F8935747CA3D8E59
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\1A24B5BB8521B03E0C8D908F5ABC0AE6
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\0E12F736682067FDE4D1158D5940A82E
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\261F213D1F55267499B1F87D0CC3BCF7
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\A28B4D68DEBAA244EB686953B7074FEF
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Features\A28B4D68DEBAA244EB686953B7074FEF
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\A28B4D68DEBAA244EB686953B7074FEF
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\A876D9E80B896EC44A8620248CC79296
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\A5875B04372C19545BEB90D4D606C472
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\49D4375FE41653242AEA4C969E4E65E0
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\9D4F5849367142E4685ED8C25E44C5ED
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\UpgradeCodes\F928123A039649549966d4C29D35B1C9
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UpgradeCodes\F928123A039649549966d4C29D35B1C9
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\BCDA179D619B91648538E3394CAC94CC
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\B66FFAB725B92594C986DE826A867888
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\B5BAE2ED018083A4C8DA86D6E3F4B024
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Components\120DFADEB50841F408F04D2A278F9509
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\GenericAskToolbar.DLL
Deleted: [Value] - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION|StormWatchApp.exe
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\AskToolbar
Deleted: [Key] - HKU\S-1-5-21-3217872594-2325639934-1021615291-1000\Software\Ask.com
Deleted: [Key] - HKCU\Software\Ask.com
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Interface\{3AE76A17-C344-4A83-81CE-65EFEE41E42D}
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Interface\{4E9EB4D5-C929-4005-AC62-1856B1DA5A24}
Deleted: [Key] - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Interface\{8FAF962C-3EDE-405E-B1D0-62B8235C6044}

***** [ Firefox (and derivatives) ] *****

No malicious Firefox entries deleted.

***** [ Chromium (and derivatives) ] *****

Plugin deleted: ImTranslator: Translator, Dictionary, TTS - 


::Tracing keys deleted
::Winsock settings cleared
::Additional Actions: 0


C:/AdwCleaner/AdwCleaner[S0].txt - [6979 B] - [2017/10/28 20:42:14]

########## EOF - C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[C0].txt ##########

Microsoft Scan Report

Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool v5.53, October 2017 (build 5.53.14306.0)
Started On Sat Oct 28 16:51:33 2017

Engine: 1.1.14104.0
Signatures: 1.251.1312.0
Run Mode: Interactive Graphical Mode

Results Summary:
No infection found.
Successfully Submitted Heartbeat Report
Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool Finished On Sat Oct 28 16:56:55 2017

Return code: 0 (0x0)

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Excellent, just what we like to hear. To clean up do the following:

Download "Delfix by Xplode" and save it to your desktop.

Or use the following if first link is down:

"Delfix link mirror"

If your security program alerts to Delfix either, accept the alert or turn your security off.

Double Click to start the program. If you are using Vista or higher, please right-click and choose run as administrator

Make Sure the following items are checked:

  • Remove disinfection tools <----- this will remove tools we may have used.
  • Purge System Restore <--- this will remove all previous and possibly exploited restore points, a new point relative to system status at present will be created.
  • Reset system settings <--- this will reset any system settings back to default that were changed either by us during cleansing or malware/infection

Now click on "Run" and wait patiently until the tool has completed.

The tool will create a log when it has completed. We don't need you to post this.

Any remnant files/logs from tools we have used can be deleted…


Read the following links to fully understand PC Security and Best Practices, you may find them useful....

Answers to Common Security Questions and best Practices

Do I need a Registry Cleaner?

Take care and surf safe

Kevin... user posted image
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Glad we could help. :)If you need this topic reopened, please send a Private Message to any one of the moderating team members. Please include a link to this thread with your request. This applies only to the originator of this thread.Other members who need assistance please start your own topic in a new thread. Thanks!

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