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Firefox Memory Leak after upgrading to MBAE


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Firefox began freezing, and becoming unresponsive after upgrading to MBAE I looked in task manager, and saw that the memory usage for Firefox was almost 2 GBs. I thought the bug was with Firefox at first, and each time the memory usage would reach around 1700 MBs Firefox would begin to freeze, and stop responding. I would close Firefox, and start a new instance of Firefox. Sometimes I would have to kill Firefox using the task manager because Firefox would never recover from an unresponsive state. I continued to do this for a couple of days, and then two days ago I disabled MBAE to see if that was causing the memory leak, and unresponsiveness.

Firefox has not froze at all since disabling MBAE. The memory usage usually starts out around 3-400 MBs, and climbs up to around 6-700 MBs after using Firefox for about 24 hours without closing it. I currently have 19 tabs open to various website (only for testing purposes), which have been open for the past 2 hours, and the memory usage is round 1 GB. I have not experienced any freezing, or unresponsiveness at all despite having so many tabs open with MBAE disabled. I think maybe MBAE is causing the memory leak, and unresponsiveness, but i'm not positive. The latest MBAE update may have even cause a conflict with it, and Eset Internet Security.

I'm using Eset Internet Security, and AppGuard with MABE. That's all the real-time security I normally use. I did install VoodooShield after disabling MBAE so it is currently installed on my system, but it was not on my system when I experienced the memory leak, and freezing. VS would not be the cause of the memory leak. I'm using Windows 10 X64 Professional.

I would have reported this sooner, but i'm taking midterms in College right now, so i'm swamped with test, and school work. Should I enable MBAE again so that I can collect any particular information during the time the memory leak occurs? I'm just wondering what info is needed to see if MBAE is triggering the memory leak in Firefox. I have to be really careful that the memory leak does not occur when i'm using my browser to take a exam for school. I currently have MBAE disabled, and it has been disabled for two days now. No problems with Firefox since disabling MBAE.


Edited: 10/19/17 @ 2:35 am

Edited by cutting_edgetech
Need to explain why I have so many tabs open in FF.
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Hi cutting_edgetech,

We will need some crash dumps to analyze your issue further.

To do so, you need to have admin privileges,

Under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps  registry key, set DumpType to the value 2. This full memory dump will provide us useful information to analyze further.

You can find more information on it from this link


Let us know if you have any difficulty in getting it. Thank you.

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  • Staff

Hi Trasnasform,

We will need some crash dumps to analyze your issue further.

To do so, you need to have admin privileges,

Under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps  registry key, set DumpType to the value 2. This full memory dump will provide us useful information to analyze further. 

After enabling this, continue to use firefox as usual. Once you encounter the problem, please collect the dump logs from %LOCALAPPDATA%\CrashDumps and send it to us.

You can find more information on it from this link


Let us know if you have any difficulty in getting it. Thank you.

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