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adwleaner 7031


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########## EOF - C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S41].txt ##########

the next one is no PUP, but a Reg entry created by Netsetmanager 4.5.1 by www.netsetman.com

PUP.Optional.Legacy, [Data] - HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{95C5507C-A820-4836-905B-7F4366EC00EB} | [,]


if PUP deleted by adwcleaner, no internet connection anymore!

Please remove this detection!




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netsetman.com anwered:



This registry key is not specific to NetSetMan. It’s the default key that stores manually configured DNS servers. So if you manually set the DNS directly in Windows (without using NetSetMan) this key will be edited as well.


There’s malware that changes the DNS to hijack your Internet traffic. It is possible that adwcleaner assumes that your DNS settings and are malicious and therefore deletes them. We don’t know why adwcleaner would do this, but this problem has nothing to do with NetSetMan. So only the company behind that software could answer your question or fix that problem.


Kind regards,

Your NetSetMan Support Team


personal note: I restored the reg key by running netsetman again.


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