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11 hours ago, CeeBee said:

Thanks!  I'll check v.37 on my legacy XP Pro box and report back asap.

A. Installed over v.24 and Firefox worked fine, however, IE8 didn't start (stuck at about 4-5,000 kb memory).  All settings default.  I also tried various combinations of MBAE browser settings, but no change.  On to Plan B!

B. Uninstalled v.37 and did a clean reinstall.  After reboot, both FX and IE seem to work fine.  All settings default.  I'll leave it at that, so, end testing.

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Nope, v.37 doesn't work .. so I uninstalled same and reinstalled v.24 with which I have had no problems to date running on my old XP Pro (SSE only CPU).  Here is what happened:

MBAE v.37 worked fine after initial install for two days.  Then, today after boot (I reboot every morning) and with an old Thunderbird version running I couldn't start IE8 or Firefox ESR 45.9.0 (the final version running on SSE only CPUs).  After several reboots v.37 worked sometimes and IE8/Firefox started okay, but to erratic for my taste.  So, back to v.24 for now.  Oh well.


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