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Malwarebytes App Will Not Open (Windows-10)

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Hello Everyone

I had cause to load the latest Malwarebytes (free Home edition) to my laptop –

Windows-10, 64 bit o/s, and 6Gb RAM

I clicked on the Desktop shortcut icon, nothing happened

Verified the Task Manager and the app was running.

Suspected that an infection was stopping the Malwarebytes to “open”

Checked the Forums, read https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-1112

Malwarebytes Clean Uninstall Tool (MB-Clean),

Followed all the instructions, laptop rebooted

Selected Yes to the prompt to install Malwarebytes 3

Again, I clicked on the Desktop shortcut icon, nothing happened. The Malwarebytes app doesn’t open

Insert screen shot picture 1 here

Verified the Task Manager and the app was running.

Insert screen shot picture 2 here

And Background Processes

Insert screen shot picture 3 here

Something is happening though as occasionally I get the pop-up in the bottom right corner of the screen, as follows

Insert screen shot picture 4 here

If I select “Manage Exclusions” nothing happens

Is this normal for the latest version of software to run in the background with no user control of the application ?

Please help, thank you

Regards, Chris


App Open.jpg

Task Manager 1.jpg

Task Manager 2.jpg

MB Website Blocked.jpg

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Hello Devin


Working my way through the instructions, at section 4

4  Create and obtain Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) logs

  1. Download FRST and save it to your desktop


With both Google Chrome and MS-Edge both browser apps close down when selecting the Download FRST link. Even pasted the instruction into MS-Word and selected Ctrl+Click on the link and a browser pops-up then immediately shuts down.

Are the other suggestions please ?

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Hello Devin

After a plumbing issue in the basement this weekend (thankfully nowhere near my laptop), I’m back on the case.

I apologise if this seems long-winded, but I wanted to show the steps taken.

I had left the laptop on over the weekend and pleasantly surprised, in addition to see a pink pop-up saying “Scan Complete”, together with multiple green pop-ups saying Website Blocked. (What was interesting that the Domain name and IP Address remained the same but the port number  was changing)

Rebooted into safe mode, alas “F-8” did not function

Logged in and selected the desktop icon, checked the Task manager and Mbam.exe was running, the main app opened. First success.

Insert Task Mgr 20171002 1 Here

Insert Task Mgr 20171002 2 Here

Tried to search for info to select “RootKit” on. In the essence of time I started a Scan

While the scan was in progress was able to download FRST – mbar-,exe  Second success

Insert Download listing Here

However, when selected a window popped up then immediately closed.

The Scan found three infections. Saved report file. Selected Quarantine infections, then rebooted laptop.

Insert MB Scan Report Here

Re-selected FRST – mbar-,exe  a window popped up and stayed open. Third success

Selected Update and started a Scan

Insert Scan In Progress Here

Scan finished with No Malware Found. Fourth success

FRST produced a “mbar” folder on my desktop and produced a system log, included.

My laptop problems where with the three infections and once quarantined, removed, and rebooted, I seem to be back to normality. Thank you for your help and advice.



Task Manager 20171002 1.jpg

Task Manager 20171002 2.jpg

Downloads 20171002.jpg

MB Scan 20171002.txt

RootKit 20171002.jpg

RootKit 20171002 2.jpg


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