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Update Questian

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So far MBAM Beta has been running fine.

Only one thing as of this moment.

I have a hardware firewall (AlphaShield) http://www.alphashield.com/

As I disconnect from the internet when not in use with the quick disconnect feature in AlphaShield,sometimes i'll go back on the pc and forget to reconnect to the internet. When I do this and open MBAM Beta click on update my pc will freeze.

Nothing will work. The only thing MBAM will do is say program not responding. Can not close program or open task manager to shut it down that way.

I must turn off the pc from the tower.

MBHA is the only updatable program that will do this,any other one's (my AV,A/T,SAS and others) will simply say update failed.

But will not freeze my pc.

Is there anything that can be done to stop this ?(other then me not being forgetful)

Since MBAM is my only app that behaves this way,i'm thinking maybe bug ?

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