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We are running the evaluation Malwarebytes for business. When people start up in the morning, they have been having trouble starting Outlook 2013. The Outlook is connected to Intermedia which is their hosted remote Exchange.  If they click X and try again several times, it finally loads.  Is there something I can add to a policy to stop this interference?  We did not have this problem until Malwarebytes was installed.  They also have Symantec Endpoint Protection.  Outlook was Hanging when starting on the Symantec anti spamware add on and I disabled that.  It seemed ok, so I thought we were done.  Apparently this start up problem still was happening, but no one thought to tell me.  Any suggestions?

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@bigjohn888jb, may I have you run an FRST on one of these machines? I was not able to find anything definitive in the MBAE logs.

Frst Log
Please follow the steps below to run frst.

1.) Please download frst and frst64 from the link below and save it to your desktop:

FRST 32-bit version: https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/FRST
FRST 64-bit version: https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/FRST64

Note: You need to download the version compatible with your system. If you are not sure which version applies to your system, download both of them and try to run them. Only one of them will run on your computer; that will be the right version. Some traditional Anti-Viruses may false positive the download or running frst, I can assure you it is safe. If this happens, please temporarily disable the AV.

2.) Double-click the purple frst or frst64 icon to run the program. Click Yes when the disclaimer appears.
3.) Click the Scan button
4.) When the scan has finished, it will make 2 log files in the same directory the tool is located, frst.txt and Addition.txt.

Please attach frst.txt and Addition.txt in your reply.


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I have a computer that was having the Outlook startup problem today. Both Outlook 2013 and Amicus (a program for lawyers to keep organized) would not start. The user rebooted her computer 3 times and then they started. I will be able to run the frst program on her computer at 2:00 this after noon and will then post the results.

Is there a way to "kill" the anit-ransomware software with the task scheduler?  I was thinking if there was a command line "kill" I could put it in the task scheduler to run every time the computer is shutdown.

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All pieces associated with Symantec Cloud, including the AV and Firewall. My previous experience with other customers on this Symantec Cloud software shows that not even mutual exclusions between it and MBAM will allow these two to work harmoniously. In both previous cases, Symantec Cloud was replaced by another product and the customers were once again able to open and run their other software without issue. This is what I want you to confirm by testing with it disabled.

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