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Exploit Protection won't turn On

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Apologies for responding to an older thread but I'm now getting the same issue. When I go into Malware Bytes 3.1.2 it shows Exploit Protection is Off. When I try to start it, it just goes back to stopped. Quitting out of MB and going back in only resolves it for a short time.


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Hello @grazer and :welcome:

Let's start by following the procedure below:

  1. Please follow the steps in the locked/pinned topic to uninstall the remnants of MB3 and reinstall the latest build: MB-Clean Tool (NOTE: After uninstalling with the MB-Clean tool, you will be asked to reboot.  Once restarted, the tool will ask you if you want to re-install Malwarebytes, you can select YES (it will download the MB3 release version) or you can download the MB3 release version manually (currently v3.1.2.1733-1.0.141-1.0.2092) to re-install from HERE).
  2. Only if that does not correct the system's issue, then please read the following and only separately attach to your next reply the 3 requested logs - Diagnostic Logs (the 3 logs are: mb-check-results.zip, FRST.txt, and Addition.txt).

NOTE: The following MB3 information is also available: MB3 User Guide ONLINE, MB3 User Guide PDF, and the MB3 FAQ.

Please reply to your topic with your progress.  Thank you.

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