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Domains Being Falsely Blocked

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MalwareBytes Versions: 3.0.6, 3.1.2

Date:   06/16/2017

There is a MAJOR problem with a recent MalwareBytes database release (06/16/2017).

RE:       Web Protection blocking legitimate domains.

Re:       Domain Suffix:            “ddns.net”

I have several hundred machines that can no longer access any “ddns.net” suffix domains.

The service “WWW.NoIp.Com” provides a tool for dynamic domains to be redirected.

As of this past Friday (06/16/17), I began receiving phone calls from clients that can no longer reach their domains.

Example:         “TestDomain.ddns.net”, “RedirectedDomain.ddns.net”, “Support.ddns.net”

With the Friday (06/16/17) update from MalwareBytes, all of my clients that use the suffix “ddns.net” have been blocked by MalwareBytes.

WHY?  These are legitimate web domains.

MalwareBytes has apparently “BlackListed” this domain suffix.

My only alternative is to place a domain exclusion on every computer, which entail several hundred machines.

On v.3.0.6, I had to use the specific "full" (example.ddns.net) domain entry as an exclusion.

On v.3.1.2, I only had to enter the "suffix" (ddns.net) as the exclusion.

If there are other users that are experiencing this same problem, I urge you to contact MalwareBytes support...that is if they will answer you.

I'm an electrical engineer with 45+ years field experience.

I don't cry 'wolf' arbitrarily.



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