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Two Update Failures

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Both with Windows 10 Home, updated the second Tuesday of last March.

1. Several days ago,my MWB tray icon indicated an update needed to be run, which I could not do, and don't recall the details, other than that I had to restart the computer, which fixed the problem. Rt the same time, my wife's computer also indicated a need to update, which worked correctly. I did not post a message, as it seemed at the time to just be an anomalous event.

2. A short while ago, my MWB again indicated that an update was needed. I clicked on tray icon, where Update was greyed, and there was no indication of being able to open MWB, only to close it. I did close it, and it reopened, but with the same indications, and now MWB would not close. I opened the Task Manager, and as soon as I saw several entries for the Tray Application, I knew that I would have to reboot, because I have found, more than once, if there is more than one such entry, as soon as you close one, another is created. (I believe it was Application that showed in the Task Manager, as I don't see any other entry other than for the program proper and one Application entry now.)

I rebooted, and MWB restarted correctly, with no update needed. I checked my wife's computer, which did not indicate that an update needed to be installed  I found that her version of MWB is, Component Package 1.0.75, and Update Package 1.0.1648. I then checked my computer, which has the same information. I have no knowledge of what those numbers were before either episode on my computer, nor before the successful update on the other machine.

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