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Anti exploit problem


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I'm having issues lately of when exploit is starting up it asks if I want it to make changes to my computer, every time it loads. It's done this since I reinstalled it after getting the "taking too long to load" error. I tried doing the clean removal but it keeps saying I can't because I' not the administrator. Went into my user control panel and I am the administrator so that makes no sense. So I just uninstalled it via my control panel, then tried to reinstall it, except it kept saying a copy was still on my computer. So I went in and found the file it mentioned and deleted it. Then I reinstalled. But again when it loads I get the box asking if I want it to make changes to my computer. It never did that before until I had to reinstall it. Don't ask me to load the zip files and logs because I have no clue how to do it. I just need to know why it keeps asking for permission when it loads and then later on off and on it'll say it's taking too long to load. Here's the picture of what the message is. 

malwarebytes issue.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

I get this taking too long to load thing too. My PC is rather old but runs Windows 7 (64bit) quite well. I find that allowing a few extra seconds before logging on at startup helps prevent it. MBAE seems sensitive to the startup rush of activity with both Windows 7 and Windows XP.

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I am also finding that excluding mbae-svc.exe in AV configurations seems to promote more reliable starting of MBAE.  This is just a subjective assessment but subsequent observations seem to support my hypothesis.

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