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Scan Failed

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Our push install tool uses netbios name services to enumerate and push to the endpoints. Make sure your endpoints have had the prerequisites completed, that they unrestricted use of netbios-ns (HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT|AllowNBToInternet = 1) and that ports 137, 138, 139, 443 and 445 open. It is also recommended that you also use the WMI scan and install option.


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I am having the a similar issue, but I'm only detecting 6 PC's out of around 200 successfully.  Looking at one failed client as a test. Have turned off the firewall on the server and the client, enabled Netbios on both.  .Net version 3.5 is on the server, 4.5.2 on the client.  Filesharing and network discovery are on, as is Netbios.  Any pointers would be appreciated.


edit.. I have just found that an IP range scan of the network return significantly more results than a scan by OU if that offers any clues?


Edited by ACIT
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On 3/1/2017 at 0:55 PM, RobConn said:

trying to push install onto one of our laptops and keep getting ther error 5008 Scan failed. Failed to obtain an IP address.  It's on our domain and my ccleaner network finds it just fine.

@RobConn our push tool uses netbios name services which has recently been deprecated via several Windows Updates. The updates in question which block netbios across subnets are KB3161949, KB3163017 and KB3163018. There's four options available:

  1. Modify (if existing) or create the registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT|AllowNBToInternet a 32 bit dword with a value of 1.
  2. You can also bypass this with a GPO to allow an exception for netbios if you are using Windows Firewall:image003.jpg.d1e95dd30f9ec1afe351ae513fe3a138.jpg
  3. Use an offline installer package created by the console in Policy -> Create Installation Package to install locally or through GPO/SCCM.
  4. Remove the updates from the server and the endpoint temporarily.
Edited by djacobson
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@ACIT it could be the domain account you are using for your query. You can also check the state of the netbios ns and RPC ports on that client, you'll need a tool called NMAP.  Get the tool here:

Install it to your server, then run zenmap.exe. This is the tool's GUI. Input this scan, where x=the target pc's IP:

  • nmap -sU -p 135,137,138,139,443,445 xx.xx.xx.xx


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  • 4 months later...
On ‎4‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 5:23 PM, djacobson said:

@RobConn our push tool uses netbios name services which has recently been deprecated via several Windows Updates. The updates in question which block netbios across subnets are KB3161949, KB3163017 and KB3163018. There's four options available:

  1. Modify (if existing) or create the registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT|AllowNBToInternet a 32 bit dword with a value of 1.
  2. You can also bypass this with a GPO to allow an exception for netbios if you are using Windows Firewall:image003.jpg.d1e95dd30f9ec1afe351ae513fe3a138.jpg
  3. Use an offline installer package created by the console in Policy -> Create Installation Package to install locally or through GPO/SCCM.
  4. Remove the updates from the server and the endpoint temporarily.


I am having the same issue when trying to scan/ push installed from the Management Console. The Windows Firewall is turned off for domain networks and I tried creating the key suggested, AllowNBTToInternet but it made no difference. Is this issue being caused by the depreciation of netbios? If so, it would seem the manangement console needs to be updated to support a different push mechanism?

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