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I have a problem with a program of my own

While the installer (InnoSeup) runs I get a "ransomware" error. If i scan before, after or while running the installed executables nothing is reported.

I have tried to start mbam with /developer switch, but I do not see any logs? What am I doing wrong? Or is it not possible to provide logs of runtime detections?



Here's my false positive report

I am hoping maybe a log would help someone to take a look...



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Hello @ThomasSchulzMS and :welcome:

The CLI Inno options you desire may not be included/premised until a later MB3 version is released.  In the meantime, the previously entered FP/Ransomware topic will suffice and your app may be whitelisted if possible.  You may make a file/folder exclusion in MB3 till an expert analysis has been completed.  Thank you.

Edited by 1PW
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Thank you for your response. If it means the case is under review (even if you possibly have a large backlog) - I am satisfied and can wait. I have until now not actually received a response that indicated the topic reported was under review or in queue.

The problem from my POV of course is that many people value Malwarebytes, so if they receive a warning something is ransomware then I have to make it a priority to ensure the situation is at least underway in being resolved.

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