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Problems with start and web protection

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As per instruction on how to post an issue:

Description of the problem:

The latest version of Malwarebytes 3 doesn't start up properly in about 30-40% when I start my desktop computer. 

When it starts up, very often the web protection module is turned off, and can't be started (hangs at "starting..."). Rarely, maybe every 10th time Malwarebytes works correctly (starting up and all protection enabled). I never had an issue with MBAM 2.

Operating system: Windows 7 SP 1 x64.

Antivirus: Avast Pro 12.3.2280

Service log, Farbar FRST and Addition attached.





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I've been monitoring the above mentioned issues over the past few days, and found out the following (though I don't know if it helps anything to fix the problem).

When Malwarebytes Pro 3.0.5 doesn't properly load, then the FilterManager confirms at computer start up, that MBAMChameleon successfully loaded and registered, however the Malwarebytes Service never starts. The mbamtray.exe is listed in the processes in the task manager, MBAMService.exe of course not. There is no other way than to reboot the pc to make Malwarebytes work again.

What I fail to understand is, that if the Malwarebytes service doesn't start, I'm never able to to view HTML5 videos online (Firefox and Chrome), because I get the error message that my browser doesn't support the file format.  When Malwarebytes starts correctly, I have no problems with the same videos. I have reproduced this phenomenon many times, but I can't wrap my head around this correlation. :huh:

When Malwarebytes starts up correctly, but hangs at "starting..." for the web protection module, I can usually fix it by terminating Malwarebytes and starting it again.

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I'm having the same issue. Spent the last week emailing back and fourth with a Malware bytes technician.  He had be do a bunch of things including adding exceptions etc to my existing anti virus and reinstalling Malware Bytes.  After all this however it worked for a couple of days and now it's back to not letting me turn on web protection. 

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3 hours ago, dcollins said:

We have identified some issues with starting Web Protection and are working on a fix. Unfortunately there's no workaround at this time other than closing Malwarebytes and launching it until Web Protection starts properly

When this happens, I can't shut it off.  I select Quit Malwarebytes, but it never closes.

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"Working on a fix" should include updates that let the affected people know what's going on. You could start adding on a few weeks to the current period of coverage. I renewed my account,while waiting for an update to this serious issue. The main reason I loved AMB is the constant protection. Without that I'm not being given the full value of the product.

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Add me to the list too!

Having no problems with Web Protection for a while -3 weeks- though, after emailing b and f with a MWb technician and follow his instructions.

Yesterday Ransom Protection was the one that was off. Same behavior as other layers that failed before. But today everything seems ok...Well, as to that, because the issue with Real-time protection turned off pop-up remains on starting. Every time ? 

Doesn't make me feel one hundred percent at ease


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Immediately after posting " Add me to the list as well " my Real-time protection, which hasn't worked correctly for over 3 weeks,  all of a sudden started working again flawlessly for a week straight but now is acting up yet again. WTF  .... Maybe we should get a refund until you fix this issue.

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