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Another bad pool header

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I decided to start a new thread since this may be caused for other reasons than other users have.  When randomly browsing the Web I will get bad pool header errors quite often such that with 3.05 installed the PC is really not usable for the Web.  Run Win 10 64 bit with latest updates.  Log file attached. 

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That is what I did but yesterday the allowed files box did not show to warn me of what files are allowed; today it does show for some reason when choose files is clicked.  For now I no longer have 3.0 installed so I have no log files to attach.  I'll take this problem up with Malwarebytes when I have time.

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Hello wordsworth:

Please know that the above-attached MBAMSERVICE.LOG log is appreciated by Malwarebytes' staffers.  Additional data is very likely required and can be expedited/provided now in your next reply:

1.)  Attach the system's most recent dump (.dmp) files, from the "%SystemRoot%\Minidump\" directory.  If not captured & provided now, aggressive clean-up tasks/utilities could delete this "At Risk" information resource.

2.)  The Farbar Recovery Scan Tool will need to be rerun with the system's Administrative privileges.  Please log into the system , download another FRST64.exe to that Desktop, and then right-click the FRST64.exe desktop icon and then left-click "Run as administrator".  Then as before, attach the separate FRST.txt and the Addition.txt output diagnostic reports.  Although mbam-check.exe v2.3.2.0 was also run as a "Limited User", that diagnostic is not yet apropos for a system with any version of MB3 installed, and need not be rerun.

If Complete/Kernel memory dumps are additionally required, a separate request will be following via Malwarebytes' staffers.  Soon after the requested data is posted, the Malwarebytes' QA & Developer Teams, and staffers can commence their analysis but do allow for the Christmas holiday delays.  Thank you always for your assistance and season's greetings to you.

Edited by Maurice Naggar
Dotted the i's and crossed the t's...
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