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Popups when playing games

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Hi unknownguy,

Yes there is. In the setting under the first tab "application" (I believe) there is a toggle you can use for turning off the notifications. This should stop the pop-ups.
In the user manual (https://www.malwarebytes.com/support/guides/mbam/) you can look up how to disable notifications as well.

I hope this helps and if you have any questions, please ask.


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1 hour ago, Durew said:

Yes there is. In the setting under the first tab "application" (I believe) there is a toggle you can use for turning off the notifications. This should stop the pop-ups.
In the user manual (https://www.malwarebytes.com/support/guides/mbam/) you can look up how to disable notifications as well.

I suffer from this extremely annoying behaviour as well (when a scan completes and every time Antimalware incorrectly thinks that parts of its protection are disabled, which is obviously a bug).

According to the manual, only a very few insignigicant notifications can be disabled. The ones I'm mentioning are apparently impossible to disable, which is a major pain. In Windows 10, it would be better if the regular os-supported notification system was used instead, which never disrupts my gaming sessions.

I'm thinking about reverting to version 2.x + Anti-Exploit (which unfortunately no longer seem available for download so I guess I'll have to get them from unofficial sources), because the current situation with 3.x is unbearable.


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38 minutes ago, DerpMcDerps said:

I'm thinking about reverting to version 2.x + Anti-Exploit (which unfortunately no longer seem available for download so I guess I'll have to get them from unofficial sources), because the current situation with 3.x is unbearable



Try there.

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On 2016-12-17 at 5:14 PM, mrtee said:

Ah, thanks! It would be nice if Malwarebytes made it more easily available, e.g. on the regular download page under "old versions" or something similar.

For Anti-Exploit, the only download url I could find in the Support section is for the business edition (https://downloads.malwarebytes.org/file/mbae_for_business), but an easy guess led me to the (seemingly correct) consumer download:



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