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I just contacted support and was sent a email with my key and id in 20 to 25 point type if not larger. But I received a different one from malewarbytes support that says they are closed. They give the office hours in which to contact them. What one should I believe ? And the key and ID still do not work even with copy an paste. Thanks I was also asked to send a snap shot , but what part of invalid key do you not understand ?

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42 minutes ago, whonew said:

"Thanks I was also asked to send a snap shot , but what part of invalid key do you not understand ?"


Hello whonew:

As per Keystone Errors, almost a dozen different conditions can result in a license key being rejected, and yield an error code.  The support folk merely want to know what direction to start the investigation of your issue.  Your screen grab of the message box is quite valuable.

...the devil is in the detail...

Thank you whonew.

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